Data are available for direct download (GIS shapefile format) on the page if the data source is Geological Survey of Alabama. For online orders, there is an option to purchase the BLM-based land grid, or the USGS-based land grid. Zoom in to see individual Sections. Geological dataset for Alabama. ... Texas and New York Township, Range, and Section GIS Data. interpretations based on data processing using these data or decisions The Digital Atlas of Oklahoma can be downloaded at The PLSS files are available on the DASC web site ( in Arc/Info Interchange (.e00) format. Monday, 14 December 2020 / Published in Uncategorized. These data sets are updated as needed but typically on a quarterly basis. Website Data Links Gis Data ShapeFiles Dormant Coal Mine Fires Historic Mine Boundaries. Send comments and/or suggestions to Range values labeled with a "W" are one township west of the Principal Meridian and those with an "E" are one to the east. The web page includes GIS data in many categories. Division Of Reclamation Mining and Safety. The option to use Alberta township data has been removed. kansas plss shapefile . Website Data Links GIS catalogs ShapeFiles Agricultural Leases Oil and Gas Leases Solid Mineral Leases Tiger Fitness has the best supplements and vitamins to help you meet your fitness goals! The Kansas County Databases of the U.S. Public Land Survey System (PLSS) provide, for each of the 105 counties in Kansas, high quality digital representations of basic Kansas land divisions first established by the PLSS, primarily between the years of 1854 and 1877. Information: BLM Township and Range The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) cadastral survey program is responsible for the official boundary surveys for all federal agencies in the U.S. that together manage over 700 million acres. Stack Exchange Network. Protect it now the right way with Grundy Agreed Value Insurance which gives you 100% of the value of your car in the event of a total loss. Subject: This map displays the Kansas Land Survey System, PLSS. Users also have the option to purchase state or of our seamless Public Land Survey grid for use in ArcGIS, Petra, Geographix, or AutoCAD. The non-rectangular survey data represent surveys that were largely performed to protect and/or convey title on specific parcels of land such as mineral surveys and tracts. Data includes township lines and section corners in Kansas listed by latitude/longitude in decimal degrees. Disclaimer--The Kansas Geological Click on a Township/Range for more information. With this section township range finder, you can view and search the Public Land Survey System (PLSS), also known as Congressional townships or survey townships, all the way down to the section, quarter section and quarter quarter section level anywhere in the U.S., all overlaid on a fully interactive Google Map. This system is divided into township, range, and sections. ShapeFiles Oil and Gas Field Polygons Colorado 100 year Floodplain 2016. Set Parameters . U.S. Army Nike sites were also operational in … The user has the ability to search by section, township, and range, download selected areas and/or print maps of the land survey information within a web-based map application. (The Kansas-Nebraska border is the dividing line between south and north township lines.) We will zoom in on the township containing Tolleson in the next image below. Features represented in the county databases include the basic point, line and area features established in the original Public Land Surveys of Kansas. The USGS-based land grid will precisely match the section lines from the 1:24,000 scale USGS topographic maps. Further PLSS data down to the section level can be found on the FGDL website. The user has the ability to search by section, township, and range, download selected areas and/or print maps of the land survey information within a web-based map application. This is a dynamic service using WGC84 projection (3857). Section (Optional) 2. I'm having difficulty locating a shapefile for Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas PLSS Townships and Ranges. Please be aware that this data set is not updated, and that it may contain differences from the DASC PLSS files which contain recent updates and corrections. If you have further questions, please call Dan Suchy at the KGS Data Resources Library, (785) 864-2160. Alabama Public Land Survey System Township/Range grid is displayed. Township: Direction: Range: Direction: Users may also select individual sections from the dropdown list below. 0. The U.S. state of Kansas is divided into 1,404 townships in 105 counties Add/Remove Layers. They are derived from data contained in PLSS databases of the USGS 24K Digital Line Graph (DLG) series and data from the Kansas Cartographic Database (KCD) developed by the Kansas Geological Survey. Each township is a statutorily created independent unit of government with three elected officials – township trustee, township clerk, and township treasurer. Neither state has townships, ranges, or sections of the type you need, those types of areas are found inside the boundaries of the PLSS. The line attributes indicate line type, including the state line, county lines, township and range lines, section lines, Indian treaty boundaries, base lines, … Data provided for each county includes census geography and demographic data, contour lines and elevation points, geographic names, roads, school district boundaries, streams, and township and range information. All of the data is derived from USGS 7.5 minute quadrangles. Range lines are split between east and west at the Sixth Principal Meridian, which runs north to south through Wichita. Our experience is that the 1/4-1/4 database has problems, and you might want to verify any critical results (or switch to more modern ways to locate positions, such as Lat/Long, UTM, or MGRS/USNG. I have also marked the center of township T. 1 S., R. 2 W. (one township south of Baseline and two townships west of the Principal Meridian). The USGS maps conform to national map standards with a claimed accuracy of 40 feet. University of Kansas 1930 Constant Avenue, West Campus Lawrence KS 66047-3726 USA 785-864-3965 785-864-5317 Arc/Info ArcInfo Interchange/Shapefile Direct comparison of more than 43,000 sample entities to independently derived The data in Open Data include layers for Aboriginal Lands, National Parks and National Park Reserves, which has been developed using base data from the Canada Lands Survey Records. A lot. State Land Board. Updated Sept. 1999. The Kansas County Databases of the U.S. Public Land Survey System (PLSS) provide, for each of the 105 counties in Kansas, high quality digital representations of basic Kansas land divisions first established by the PLSS, primarily between the years of 1854 and 1877. BLOG. If you need to identify a township or section on map, or plot Public Land Survey Systems (PLSS) boundaries, you can get this data from the Land Survey Information System website, managed by the BLM.Shapefile data is available for most of the … The following is a list of Nike missile sites operated by the United States Army.This article lists sites in the United States, most responsible to Army Air Defense Command; however, the Army also deployed Nike missiles to Europe as part of the NATO alliance, with sites being operated by both American and European military forces. New Mexico Township and Range Shapefile. New York has townships, but those are not the same thing as a Township in PLSS terms. "S" stands for south. Likewise, Township, Range and Section values can be converted into polygon centroids in Lat/Long format. Kansas Geologic Sample Repository, Buffer Distance - … TWP_DIR – Township direction, usually N (north) or S (south) of the survey baseline RNG – Range number RNG_DIR – Range direction, usually E (east) or W (west) of the principal meridian The Bureau of Land Management Colorado data library allows users to access geospatial datasets as either a downloadable shapefile, Esri file geodatabase, kmz files and/or through Web Services. The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) is a legal land reference system created to facilitate the inventory and transfer of property. Format: Shapefile - 2007 to Present; TIGER/Line ASCII format - 2006 and earlier; Census 2000 available in both formats; The core TIGER/Line Files and Shapefiles do not include demographic data, but they do contain geographic entity codes (GEOIDs) that can be linked to the Census Bureau’s demographic data, available on Grundy Insurance – “The Olde Original” Your prized collector car represents real commitment of your time and resources. This shapefile contains PLSS boundaries to the township and range level. The data is distributed free of charge. If the data are from another source or agency, the weblink to the data is given. The rectangular survey data are a reference system for land tenure based upon meridian, township/range, section, section subdivision and government lots. Not applicable: Other products that may be useful for Canada Lands can be found on Open Data. Kansas Geological Survey Lowest prices, fast shipping, and personalized customer service. Kansas Geological Survey, 1930 Constant Ave., Lawrence, KS 66047-3724 phone 785-864-3965, Core Library 785-864-4909. Format: ESRI Shapefile. As the second-largest landowner in the state, we rely on maps. Does anyone have recommendations on where to find this data? 28 part of Section 3, Township 15, Range 3; however, the city has approved 29 a preliminary plat in which the subject property will be legally described 30 as, ``Lots 15, 16, 17, and 18, in Block 12, Schilling Subdivision No. PLSSFinder TM is a free application that enables users to download up to 9 townships of BLM-based Public Land Survey grid in an Esri .shp file or File Geodatabase. You can read more here about why the PLSS was created and why those states are not part of it. 5, City 31 of Salina, Saline County, Kansas.'' Geographic data--Public Land Survey System locations (Landgrid) is available to the public on a provisional basis. In Kansas, township lines are numbered 1S to 35S, starting at the Nebraska border. Range lines were then surveyed parallel to the baseline (north to south) at six mile intervals and township lines are surveyed parallel to meridian (east to west) at six-mile intervals, dividing the land into 6 x 6 mile squares called survey or congressional townships. Select features from map or dropdown. 0. The coordinates use the North American Datum of 1927. RE: [okgis] Kansas Township Range Shapefile, Robert Stokes, 09/24/2009 RE: [okgis] Kansas Township Range Shapefile , ryan locke, 09/24/2009 Archive powered by MHonArc 2.6.16 . The polygon attribute data include meridian, township, range, section and county number (FIPS) designations. PLSSFinderTM is a free application that enables users to download up to 9 townships of BLM-based Public Land Survey grid in an Esri .shp file or File Geodatabase. Survey does not guarantee these data to be free from errors or based thereon. Illinois Public Land Survey System (PLSS) boundaries and designations in line and polygon feature classes. The URL for this page is HTTP:// inaccuracies and disclaims any responsibility or liability for DASC can also convert the PLSS files to a shape (.shp) file format, for a fee, for Geographix users that have the "Discovery" extension/package. Copyright © 1999 - 2016 Digital Data Services, Inc. Clip by PLSS – Township, Range, Section. Category: Keywords: Kansas,legal description,public land survey system,plss,range lines,township lines,section AntialiasingMode: None TextAntialiasingMode: Force One of the primary responsibilities of townships in Butler County is to maintain local roads that have been designated as township maintained roads. Only minimal edge matching was performed between DLG databases. Online converters . The Township Geocoder allows for the conversion of Latitude and Longitude (Lat/Long) values into Township, Range and Section values. Our Geographic Information System (GIS) is publicly available and provides a catalog of: All surface trust land (2.8 million acres) All trust mineral estate (4 million acres) Ownership records for all trust surface land and mineral estate All current lease records on trust assets And more!