Diese Richtlinien verlangen, dass Thunfisch weder durch Umkreisen von Delfinen durch Ringwadennetze im Tropischen Ost-Pazifik (hier sind Delfine mit … Justice For Tonka and other Dolphins. Lincoln O'Barry. We are nonprofit publication. Our activist network is visible, expert, … These "Dolphin Safe" standards were developed in 1990 by Earth Island Institute and the H.J. All of my six friends died. Earth Island Institute Philippines. Neri Colmenares. Currently, there are more than 75 projects under Earth Island sponsorship, creating solutions to interconnected challenges and threats facing our planet. Congress in 1990 enacted the Dolphin … Leilani Münter. Dolphin-safe Tuna Label by Earth Island Institute Introduction The Earth Island Institute (EII) was founded in 1982 by environmentalist David Brower as an organization dedicated to nurturing environmental entrepreneurs. dolphinsafetuna.org dolphinsafetuna.org : Earth Island Institute - International Marine Mammal Project - Dolphin Safe Tuna Dolphin Project. Send Password Reset Link Around the Web. 655 likes. Um Gewissheit über die Einhaltung dieser Erklärung zu bekommen, etablierte das Earth Island Institute (EII) bereits Ende 1990 das International Monitoring Program (IMP/SAFE) mit bindenden Richtlinien für die Thunfischindustrie. The government lost on appeal in 2007. Dolphin-safe label victory by Mark J. Palmer Earth Island Journal, Winter 2001-2002 Last July, a three-judge panel for the federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously upheld Judge Thelton Henderson's decision in "Brower vs. Daley," Earth Island Institute's landmark tuna-labeling lawsuit. Überprüfung der Einhaltung der SAFE-Kriterien durch einen unabhängigen Beobachter an Bord bei Fangfahrten im tropischen Ostpazifik (bei Fangschiffe mit mehr als 400 Bruttoregistertonnen) Das Label ist ein durch das amerikanische Earth Island Institute (EII) eingetragenes Warenzeichen. All donations over $25 will receive a subscription to the quarterly Earth Island Journal ($40 for addresses outside the US). Ask President Obama to Engage President Felipe Calderon on this matter. My son Lincoln is the director of this mini-series on the efforts of Earth Island Institute and me around the world to protect dolphins. Dolphin Safe Label Tuna Earth Island Institute Friend Of The Sea, Dolphin PNG is a 1024x910 PNG image with a transparent background. "This is a tremendous victory for dolphins and for US consumers," said Mark J. Palmer, … The Earth Island Institute filed a lawsuit against US Secretary of State Warren Christopher in federal court. Earth Island Institute’s success in negotiating an agreement with the world’s largest tuna companies to adopt fully dolphin-safe policies was recognized by Time magazine as one of the most significant environmental victories of the decade. Hi, I'm Tonka, the last surviving whale in Ocean Adventure! Located in Berkeley, California, it supports activism around environmental issues through fiscal sponsorship that provides the administrative and organizational infrastructure for individual projects. In order for tuna to be considered “Dolphin Safe”, it must meet the following standards: 1. Those standards have been voluntarily adopted by more than 90 percent of the world's tuna industry (companies in Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela are the main holdouts). I've been here for more than 10 years. From the EARTH ISLAND INSTITUTE: Environmental Organizations Object to Mexico’s Sabotage of NAFTA Dolphin Safe Tuna Case. Surfers For Cetaceans (S4C) The Cove. The Earth Island Institute monitors tuna companies around the world to ensure the tuna is caught by methods that do not harm dolphins and protect the marine ecosystem. Save Japan Dolphins. We also maintain that the Congress should not change our standards for the “Dolphin Safe” label. Foreign fleets were elated--until the Earth Island Institute brought a lawsuit against the U.S. federal government seeking to halt the change. Tagged under Dolphin Safe Label, Tuna, Dolphin, Friend Of The Sea, Fishing. Our Earth Island Dolphin Safe Campaign established the standards for Dolphin Safe tuna: No chasing or netting of dolphins, in order to prevent any harm to dolphins. Earth Island Institute. Earth Island Institute is an international environmental organization that promotes awareness, ... tuna companies to end the practice of intentionally chasing and netting dolphins with purse seine nets and to adopt “dolphin-safe” fishing practices to prevent the drowning of dolphins in tuna nets. savedolphins.eii.org/news/entry/what-does-dolphin-safe-mean Save Japan Dolphins Earth Island Institute I’m pleased to announce that a new television series, Blood Dolphins, will start on August 27th on Animal Planet. Save Freedom Island Movement. In 2010, EII agreed to pay villagers up to $400,000 to stop their tradition of hunting dolphins – dolphins which, if the villagers had sold to aquariums, could have brought in as much as $150,000 per animal. In 1994, David founded the Free Willy–Keiko Foundation, successfully overseeing a five-nation, $10 million international … Kids Save Dolphins… Dolphin Safe Lee Fish is approved as 'Dolphin Safe' by the International Marine Mammal Project (A project of the Earth Island Institute) This IMMP standard was set up with the aim of reducing dolphin by-catch in international fisheries and takes into account catch method, harvest strategy, by-catch mitigation, vessel regulation, catch reports etc. Earth Island’s unique international monitoring program maintains eighteen staff members in seven countries around the world, who regularly inspect tuna in canneries, at dockside, and aboard fishing vessels in order to insure consumers that the tuna they buy is truly “Dolphin Safe“ this is the largest private environmental monitoring program in the world. This is the official YouTube channel of the Earth Island Institute Philippines. For more than 30 years Earth Island Institute has been a hub for grassroots campaigns dedicated to conserving, preserving, and restoring the ecosystems on which civilization depends.