Concealing your real self. They reveal information about your physical body, style, clothes you prefer to wear. Handling intense Pluto dominant energy in the birth chart is challenging. Pluto and the Moon don’t get along very well. But their power doesn’t have to be in the traditional sense of the word. Eighth House in Astrology in Depth - Astrology. Pluto has a very strong healing power, which is its highest manifestation. This already gives you an idea what to expect here. ASCENDANT CONJUNCT SUN - With the Sun rising over the horizon at the time of your birth you approach life directly and openly. That would be the essence of this aspect, in my opinion. With a Pluto dominant personality, you want to break things down and see what it is about instead of taking them at face value. Anonymous. You can express yourself really well and get your ideas and opinions understood. Transiting Pluto is conjunct my Solar Return Ascendant on my Solar Return coming up in two months (and it is six degrees from transiting my Descendant as well, but I have a few years before that happens). Inability to let go and be free-flowing in expression. She may become a workaholic and have unusual access to the occult and prophetic abilities. In a relationship, when a Plutonian is in love, they have very intense feelings. With a Trine aspect between Pluto and your Ascendant indicates that you have a power and intensity that can be used creatively to transform your own life and the lives of others. For example, surgeons usually have a Pluto dominant natal chart. When it gets out of control, Pluto can be extremely destructive. These are often simple and classy, but sometimes it takes on a punk-rock flavor. Very often, they have to face cruelty at a young age, some of them even in their families. Plutonians on a lower level of consciousness tend to use people. Besides being intelligent, you are street-smart, too. I don’t have the conjunction but I have the trine. If they fail to do so, they become isolated (this doesn’t have to be physical isolation, being lonely on the inside is just as bad). But you also die nine times, too, if not ninety-nine times. In astrology, Pluto is the ruling planet of the sign Scorpio. You're able to express yourself fluently and to convince others your ideas are good. Other Plutonians in astrology experienced sexual violence, or other forms of violence, often related to power struggles. There are a number of astrological interpretations of Pluto trine ascendant. Through their talent for psychology, they usually get what they want in a relationship. These cookies do not store any personal information. There is an erotic charisma to them, perhaps because of their mysteriousness, perhaps because of the passion in them, but they are attractive. Actually, Pluto can manifest in a brutally violent way. Plutonians understand people very well. It gives great self-confidence, self-esteem, independence, and authority. Where you see Pluto, you can expect to get to the bottom of the problem. You crave real conversations, the fluff doesn’t satisfy you. These are often simple and classy, but sometimes it takes on a punk-rock flavor. You can express yourself really well … i have read that trines are so natural that you aren`t "aware" of them and can take them for … Pluto Trine Ascendant: You're a good leader and organizer whose self-confidence and strength inspires the same in others and gains their cooperation. Mercury sextile or trine the Ascendant Even if other positions in your natal chart suggest otherwise, this aspect aids you in communicating and getting your point made to others. Dreaminess unregistered : posted February 15, 2015 01:03 PM What kind of effect will it bring to the personality etc? Pluto on the ascendant or within 5 – 10 degrees of an angle brings the god of the underworld’s energies out very strongly in the individual’s lives. If someone is a Scorpio rising or has Pluto conjunct their ascendant, their style resembles Pluto closely. As a natal aspect, it may mean the individual has the creative power and energy to affect the society she lives in and instigate social change. If a Plutonian seems to control you, it was you who willingly gave them the control. You remember the pain of being controlled, and you want to avoid it by trying to control others. Power struggles are an organic part of a Pluto dominant personality’s life. It was discovered shortly before the second World War, in 1930. However, being a Plutonian can be a great blessing, both for you and for the world. You can become a very wise person who can tremendously help others who are still in the process. This individual may be stubborn, express her views strongly and posses strong sexual magnetism. Many Plutonians had a childhood full of memories of being unwanted or in some way, their parents were ashamed of them. Planets in these sectors become particularly powerful. With Pluto as the dominant planet in your birth chart, you are a born investigator. In astrology Pluto trine ascendant is thought to bear an effect on the individual's personality or life events. A Pluto / ascendant conjunction or Pluto in hard aspect might present with an intimidating overtone, but the trine has more magnetic appeal. You own what you have been through, and you are self-confident about your attitude. If a Pluto dominant personality lives the negative manifestation of this planet, they can be jealous and possessive in a relationship. If Pluto touches a lot of personal points in your horoscope, you have a Pluto dominant birth chart. And the list goes on. They usually have above-average sexual power. There is a strange Plutonian magnetism to the Pluto dominant appearance. When they work together they bring … This is somewhat similar to Venus in Scorpio. You die and you are born again as a whole new person. When you meet Pluto, there is pain, often sudden and intense. Would this apply to a trine? You have the opportunity to be the agent of the changes in the environment or of being the object of them. This planet gives you charisma that makes an impression on other people, for better or worse. I have noticed my appearance and style changes A LOT which is the only thing I could find about … Pluto knows that life is a never-ending transformation. You have excellent powers of concentration, keen awareness and … But if there are three or more harmonious aspects between Pluto and personal planets, you are definitely a Pluto dominant. Pluto has a thousand faces. Abuse, abandonment, power struggles, you have seen it all. It is the planet of possibility. Pluto/ascendant aspect facts: While most astrologers will say people with pluto/ascendant aspects are intense, those with the opposition or trine will appear much more mellow than the square or conjunction, and might just come off as quirky or weird than intense. Besides intensity and obsession, Pluto wants control, too. Scorpio rising and Scorpio Moon score two points on this test. Well, you definitely feel it, even if you are not aware of it on a conscious level. Mercury Trine Ascendant: You have a quick, intelligent mind and keen mental and sensory perception. mars, aphrodite trine asc. Venus is the sign of beauty, and the Ascendant & first house represent our physical appearance. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Pluto equals depth in astrology. In extreme cases, they experienced even abuse or abandonment in their family, but here there are more indicators in the natal chart. The Ascendant/Descendant axis is one of relationship and Pluto rules taboo sex, so this combination is bound to breed love lives that feature anything from; fierce loyalty, deep love, protection, jealousy, secret affairs, possession, … You will either change partners or start attracting and being attracted by very different people! You also have a powerful influence on family members, close friends, and partners. Pluto may also trine an individual's ascendant at any point during her life. The more aspects, the heavier the influence. This is a good combination for cooperation because the Pluto person will have a strong influence on the Ascendant individual and force them to be more aware of appearances and behaviour. You get along well with … Some Plutonians are hungry for worldly power, and they end up in politics or in other type of positions of power. Very strrong affects on people. Pluto opposite Ascendant natal is also called Pluto conjunct Descendant or Pluto setting. With Neptune on your Ascendant, you’ll be mysteriously alluring, very creative and given to … So, how to check if you have your Pluto as a dominant planet in your natal chart? This often means that there will be some disruption and change. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Those with a Pluto dominant chart are extremely authentic, and this makes people come to them. The eighth house (which is connected with Pluto through Scorpio) governs near-death experiences. They want all or nothing, but preferably, all. You learn the most about yourself and the world through love. They were usually badly hurt (but this is by no means an excuse), and they learned that it’s the best to keep their guards on. And you survived it. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Can you spot a strong Pluto in the natal chart, based on someone’s physical appearance? If you have Pluto trine your Ascendant, there is a certain intensity, charisma, or compelling attractiveness about you that may have little to do with your physical features. Your chances of realizing your goals … Sun trine Ascendant natal is a sign of success and happiness in life. If Pluto is in aspect with a lot of personal points, you have a Pluto dominant birth chart. This planet has a very strong influence in astrology. Pluto's influence may not be noticeable immediately, but when they first meet the Ascendant person will feel that they are meeting somebody special. Psychology is associated with Pluto. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Robert Englund (actor, Freddy Kruger): Neptune in Libra trine ascendant in Gemini Luis Bunuel (Surrealist filmmaker): Neptune conjunct ascendant in Gemini Masaru Emoto (researcher who claimed human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water): Neptune in Virgo square ascendant in Sagittarius Your honesty and sincerity is appreciated by … There are two ways the mysterious air around a Pluto dominant personality is seen by others: they are either repelled and don’t want to touch you with a ten-feet pole or they are incredibly drawn to you. With this planet strong in your chart, people tend to have dark eyes and hair, and … You have an innate understanding of the human nature, and you are capable of getting to the heart of the matter. you may some across as intimidating and … You make a good first impression because you express your true nature with honesty, sincerity, and openness. Natal Pluto – Jupiter aspects suggest a connection between your ability to get to the core of things, destroy negative things, and bring on healing and transformation with your expansive qualities and abilities to improve yourselves. Pluto has a lot to do with wealth in astrology (the word plutocracy itself tells a lot about this planet). Because Pluto dominant people went through a lot of things, they instinctively recognize others who also went through a lot. Many women and men with this aspect are considered universally beautiful. Not being who you appear to be. If the chart as a whole supports it, Pluto dominants can have a few of them through their life. If you liked this post, save it for later, and share it with your friends who love astrology! If you are into astrology, you might have heard this term thrown around. Pluto rising (Pluto conjunct Ascendant) As an individual with Pluto rising, you exude an unmistakable power. Plutonian energies mixed with Venus suggests a femme fatale character, someone who has talent for seduction, and actually, thrives on it. When transit Pluto is trine your natal ascendant, it is a time of creative changes. Actually, this is the real task of Pluto in astrology, not to control and be obsessed. If you fail to handle this planet properly, it can set your life on fire. Hi Amy! Others recognize your talents and will grant you credibility as an authority figure. Topic: how does pluto trine ascendant work in the natal? Sun Trine Ascendant With the Sun Trine your Ascendant, you will tend to be quite popular and liked by people around you, this is because you are quite friendly and open towards others. I have pluto in libra conjunct the asc., saturn conjunct the asc., pluto conjunct saturn, venus conjunct mars in a very wide orb 7.50, venus trine neptune, neptune sextile pluto, neptune sextile asc., venus sextile pluto, venus sextile asc., lilith opp. In astrology, Pluto is never an easy planet to deal with. Pluto-Mercury aspects indicate a probing mind. With Pluto dominant in your chart, there is a tendency to be selfish. In the past, they experienced betrayal, and they don’t want to make the same mistake again. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The higher octave of Mars, Pluto is the planet of trauma. However, one of the benefits of Pluto is its legendary regenerative power, so it’s not that easy for you to die by accident. These experiences are not always pleasant, though. Destroying people’s expectations. Or, so deeply involved with the underside of life that you hardly ever look in the mirror. Pluto in aspect with the Moon suggests that you have mysterious and dark emotional nature. If you are not sure about your birth chart, you can find out if you have your Pluto dominant planet with the help of the birth chart calculator on But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. These early experiences make you aware of the darkness, and you cannot be as carefree as someone who never met Pluto. Through history, Pluto is connected with the dying of masses in the wars of the twentieth century. Theres not so much info. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. You are reserved by nature, dear Plutonian, and perhaps it’s better this way. Here we enter the realm of Plutonian relationships in astrology, where power struggles are taken to a whole new level. Pluto conjunct, square or opposite Ascendant: Emergence of the Hidden Self With a lot of this planet’s energy in your birth chart, you know the shadow side of life very well. It's an energy, a subtle sexuality, that you emanate. Your wit is sharp and your curiosity is intense. It refers to someone who has a lot of Pluto-personal planet aspects/. However, there is a possibility for very deep connection in love. Even though the results can be beneficial, the process itself is extremely painful most of the time. (The outer planets make generational aspects with each other and with Pluto, so their influence is more on the level of generations, not on a personal level.). Sometimes Pluto is brutally violent, while in some other cases, it’s refined and silver-tongued. It is one of the planets with the worst reputation in astrology. With this planet strong in your chart, people tend to have dark eyes and hair, and a lighter complexion. Natal Pluto – Uranus aspects suggest a connection between the ability to get to the core of things, destroy negative things, and bring on healing and transformation, with the practical visions of life. If you hold a lot of Pluto’s energy in yourself, you know that Pluto can turn the world into chaos. However, the Pluto dominant personality is prone to depression and feeling alone. There is no way to describe details of the appearance without knowing the signs, but in general, this persona would exude confidence by presenting with good posture and a strong body. You get easily bored of small talks. Plutonians are mysterious and hard to figure out, exactly because of their awareness of how vulnerable secrets can make you. This planet really knows how to turn up the volume, no matter if it is passion or violence in question. When ti comes to your looks, the ascendant and the first house are the most important. Transit Pluto Trine Ascendant. Christian February 20, 2018 at 6:56 pm. They usually have an in-depth self-knowledge, and they own both their good and bad traits. so having pluto make a positive aspect to your ascendant is a good thing. You are instinctively drawn to secrets, and you enjoy learning about other people’s secrets. With your Pluto here, it is located in one of the Gauquelin sectors in your natal chart. You do not take challenges to your needs or desires lightly and … Pluto in contact with Mercury suggests a deep thinker. Edwin Learnard's interpretation of the Ascendant sextile/trine Pluto in a natal horoscope. Pluto is an infamous planet for a reason, and if you don’t take care, you can live out the negative qualities of it. Concealing your super powers. The power and influence of your Pluto sign is heightened, but you wield it in a covert manner. This aspect can be summed up by the phrase "wearing your heart on your sleeve". Also, you tend to do everything wholeheartedly and with passion, which is quite fascinating to other people. It means you have intense one to one relationships which can profoundly change your life’s direction. A well placed Jupiter is normally … Even though Pluto is a small celestial object far from us, it has a super concentrated energy. People will respond to you either with intimidation or fascination. Pluto Transits to the Ascendant are likewise about transformation, but Pluto feels more emotional than Uranus. Had braces for two years to correct one of the worst overbites that my orthodontist said he had ever seen and I have pretty big thighs and I do have a fat ass. When discussing Pluto in astrology, you cannot miss the fact that Pluto wants power. Uranus is the power of awakening. But no matter how badly you want to keep some things private, people can sense the influence of Pluto on you. How this planet manifests in your life depends on many things. There is no in-between with this planet. They might enter a relationship because they like their reflection in the other person. As a natal aspect in someone's astrological birth chart, Pluto trine ascendant means at the time of the individual's birth Pluto formed a trine with her ascendant planet.