Performers like violinists, pianists, ballet dancers and opera performers are also exempted from reporting to military service. However, this has just lead to controversies of exemptions for athletes from performing active duty. EXO has already started off their military service, starting with … Thanks for this blog btw. Naturally, there are many cases where people intentionally fail their physical exams so that they can be exempted as well. Normally serving on active duty is considered more respectable than serving as a civil servant because it’s seen as taking the easy way out. Men must enlist by the time they turn 28. If you liked this article, here are some other resources you may enjoy: What do you think about military service in Korea? Here's what that experience is like. However, they do not have to start their service immediately. However, this does not apply to E-sport athletes. A couple of years ago a young man was accused of binging on fried chicken so that he can avoid being enlisted for the military service but after much enquiry, he was found not guilty! Now i love south korea and I’m learning: culture, languge and everything about the country i watch south korean movies and series on Netflix . The length of one’s military service depends on a number of factors. The branch of the military they’re in, active vs non-active duty, all play a role. Unlike the US military that sends its soldiers to places like Iran and Afghanistan, the South Korean military chooses to train its army inland. Will he be forced to retire from music? By continuing to browse by clicking ‘Ok, I accept’, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance your site experience and for analytical purposes. People who refuse to serve will still be in prison but as workers, not inmates. Apart from famous idols and actors, who usually wait since it might negatively affect their careers, most Korean men complete their military service in the early 20s. All seven members of the K-pop group are required to serve in the South Korean military for a minimum of two years. “Before they reach 30, able-bodied men must serve for at least 26 months in South Korea's 650,000-member military, which faces the communist North's 1.1 million troops across a heavily guarded border. The first holiday is usually for about 4 days in which time most people would go home to visit the loved ones. Despite being called basic, it is by no means easy for normal civilians. ^^. Just like the hair, the picture is used for funerary needs. The male citizen will only be exempted under medical conditions or excellence in the field of sports of classical arts which is decided by a committee. Mobile phones are easy to get and most military posts have a mobile phone shop on post. The length of military service in South Korea is long, in fact it’s among the top 4 in the world. By the time the training is done, you’ll emerge out covered in drool, snot and sweat. For every promotion that you get, you’ll receive 10 extra days of time off! All Korean men must serve the military and Korean male celebrities are no exception. For example, athletes who win any medals in the Olympic Games or win gold medals in the Asian Games are granted an exemption from military service. Some people would come to the camp with a ready shaven head. So let me tell you an insider’s experience on South Korean military service. Due to the respect and control these trainers have many recruits try to get their hands on the red hat and black hat positions. Contact the cell phone provider to find out what they needin order to do so. Generally, the military bases are located in remote and/or rural areas. For example, some violinists, pianists, and ballet performers can get exemptions from duty. Even though the military service is a compulsory duty for Korean men, there are some exceptions to it. Jin is the oldest member of the group, meaning he will technically be the first to trade in his microphone for a military weapon. Abandoning mandatory military service in favour of an expanded volunteer professional service would serve national security aims, but at the same time, would not serve nation building aims. Also, those who are not in good health are allowed to complete their military service through non-active duty. Sentencing a young man to 18 months in prison last month for refusing to do his mandatory military service, the judge in the South Korean city of Suwon burst into tears. It helped lots . Article 39 of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea states that all citizens have “the duty of national defense”. Undoubtedly one of the most intense trainings we had was the gas chamber training where we are locked in the room filled with chemical gas to test our endurance. Going on for about two years without hearing much about your fav celeb can be very upsetting, understandably. Many people including me would say that even though it was a difficult duty to perform the experiences and knowledge that we got from there lasts a lifetime. Let’s take a look at it now! The military base has many trainers to shape the new recruits. What laws surrounding the military does your country have? However, the government claims that there are serious actions they have taken to curb bullying from happening in the military bases. Collective punishments are a big deal in the military service. BTS as well will be serving the military soon, as they are not being exempted from the … While they are not exempted from active duty altogether, there used to be a specific, easier, military branch in which they could perform their service. Usually, these controversies and scandals have been directed towards Korean celebrities. The 5-week training includes marching, exercises (running, push-ups and jumping jacks, etc) walk training and firing weapons. I know it sounds a little unfair but the whole purpose of this punishment is to encourage people to look out for one another. Restructuring military service into a non-compulsory, better-paid, reserve service would serve both … While that does sadly mean some of our faves will be entering the military this year, it also means that some will be returning to civilian life and most likely public life as entertainers too. While the service time period for the Army and Marines is 21 months, the Navy is 23 months, and the Air Force is 24. Reforming South Korea’s military service system is a political can of worms with few clear options. While there have been discussions regarding shortening the military service period, because of relations with North Korea, there are no immediate plans for this. In South Korea, it’s customary to have a picture of the deceased during the funeral where people can bow and show their respect for the person who’s passed away. Currently, Korea is not accepting foreigners to serve in the military. You’re living your free life and then suddenly isolated from the rest of the society. When he turns 19 years old (or, in some instances, 20 years old), he is required to undergo a physical exam to determine whether he is suitable for military service. You’ll also get time off for major holidays like Chuseok (추석) also known as Autumn Eve. Any life should be more valuable than the other, I agree people with conditions like diabetes are exempt of it. The military service in South Korea has 2 divisions; active duty and public service. Your email address will not be published. But when is the K-pop star planning to serve? It’s possible to delay the starting date until the age of 28. It’s expected that all men of good physical health serve in active duty, however, it is possible to complete military service outside of active duty, such as with police duties. This could be through social work or other services for the government. SUWON, South Korea (Reuters) - Sentencing a young man to 18 months in prison in July for refusing to do his mandatory military service, the judge in the South Korean city of Suwon burst into tears. They often say they don’t like talking about it, but you’ll hear them talk about it a lot anyway as it’s a big part of all young Korean men’s lives. Interestingly, the hair is collected in a brown bag so that it can be sent to their respective families should they face an unexpected death while on duty and have no corporal remains. If you’ve served in active duty for at least a 100 days, you’d be entitled to your first time off. But fair is fair, all men should do it or non. Over the years, especially since the early 2000s, there have been a few controversies surrounding Korean military service. I believe its a sortation for troops however I can’t seem to find some in depth explanation about them. One of the famous songs is modjin sana-ee (멋진 사나이), which means “A cool man”. Each mobile phone provider has their own policy. The holidays are also granted as a reward. South Korea has announced a major change to its military draft policy with an alternative service that can be performed instead of military duty. Objection to military service, for any reason, is not allowed and will lead to jail-time. However, that reaction would be nothing compared with what would happen in South Korea if Son chooses to use another option. The bulk of South Korea's 599,000-strong military - who face off against Pyongyang's 1.28 million Korean People's Army - are conscripts, with all able-bodied men obliged to serve for 21 months. K-pop megastars BTS will have to serve their compulsory military service, after South Korea's Defense Ministry announced that it would not be issuing a change to its exemption rules. Apart from famous idols and actors, who usually wait since it might negatively affect their careers, most Korean men complete their military service in the early 20s. Lastly, those with debilitating diseases, such as diabetes or other conditions, can be exempted from military service altogether. Military songs are also thought as a means to keep your spirit high during training. The infamous ones are the red hat and black hat trainers. While most South Korean men, either willingly or because they have exhausted all other possibilities, do eventually perform their military service, for some this is not an acceptable option. They will cook for the prisoners, clean the prison walls, and serve as assistants to the prison doctor. If you have any male Korean friends, you may already know that military service in South Korea is mandatory for them. You have no contact. According to South Korean law, men under 30 must enter the military for mandatory service for up to two years. Receiving the packaging tends to be an emotional event for the family as it symbolised the transition of their sons from childhood to manhood. One such case is of Lim who was part of the military service in 2015. If you’re interested in knowing what are the physical exams that the listed Korean citizens need to go through? That’s when the real task starts. However, they do not have to start their service immediately. While military service is not mandatory for women, South Korea does allow them to enlist. So with reasonable excuse, you can be exempted from reporting for military service. But still all men aged 17 have to do a suitably examination, then it will determen who gets called for enlistment, in 2010 it started to include all women as well. For those who haven’t shaved their head yet, the base will offer a quick military style cut. It's been confirmed BTS will have to complete South Korea's compulsory military service. You can find more details about the exam results and the posting that it qualifies to here. However, as issues continued with celebrities even in this branch, as well as outrage from the general population who did not agree with celebrities getting preferential treatment, this branch has since been dissolved. Hi, Gabi! Dual citizens must also choose one citizenship by their 18th birthday, and will not have to complete their military service if they revoke their Korean citizenship. By law, when a South Korean man turns 18 years old, he is enlisted for "first citizen service," meaning he is liable for military duty, but is not yet required to serve. While women can voluntarily join the military, men are required to serve and become eligible from age 18; those assigned active duty will serve around two years, dependant on their assigned military branch. i don’t see any problem with actors,singers and celebrities exempted for their services they serve their countries in their line of work. All soldiers are required to write a life plan for themselves and them must put down on their list exactly what they will do each day, and how it will contribute to their role in the battalion, and to their careers.