The power of collective meditation and intention is real. Power is not an external force, instead it’s something that exists within each of us. We are on the brink of a new system on Earth. The Sun-Moon opposition brings things to a head, illuminating what we need to know, revealing to us … Hey friends! When the Moon in Libra opposes the Sun in Aries, the spotlight is inevitably on our interactions with other people and all dynamics that involve comparison and contrast. We will be hosting one more Global Mass live meditation on our YouTube channel, (please share this with others, because together we can rise and make a huge positive impact, raise collective consciousness and help Mother Earth). AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2021 On Tuesday, April 7, 2020 (7:35 p.m. Pacific Time) the full pink moon will be at 18°44’ Libra. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2021 We invite you to use these Full Moon Ritual tools: journal and meditate together with Moon Omens Soul Family. by Matthew John, Contributing writer, Happy Supermoon in Libra! This is the time for a break. First off, this is a Super Full Moon ratcheting up the feeling forces to get our attention. We’d plan to take it down, and we would tell everyone to stay home, away from the building that is falling. (Read more about effects of 4/4 Portal Global Meditation & Gaia’s Shumann frequency here), We invite you to join us and meditate together with us under the light of this magnificent Pink Super Full Moon. April 7 – 10:35pm ET | 7:35pm PT. From there we can amplify our energy and that is what really helps others. This full moon will help you put a little more balance back in your life (all things considered). The Libra Full Moon on March 28/29 carries some beautiful, high-powered energies for healing, protection, and harmony. However, too much ease may degenerate into laziness, lack of motivation, and a tendency to take things for granted, due to the excessive prominence of the element involved. Full Moon in Libra 2021 – Super Moon – Worm Moon. She wants to please others and be accepted. Only after facing the truth of who we are and embracing whatever of ourselves we might be ashamed of, we can expect someone else to do the same. Have we ever felt overwhelmed by our surroundings or the problems we are facing? The Full Supermoon in Libra forms a Grand Air Trine configuration involving Saturn in Aquarius, Mars, and the North Node in Gemini. Mars conjunct the North Node highlights the importance of reclaiming our voice, our needs, and our desires. We have the beautiful SUPER Full Moon in Libra arriving on April 8th, at 2:34 AM UT, or Tuesday April 7th, 9:34 PM CST.This energy is heightened and will be felt the day before and up to a week after. The biggest and brightest Pink Super Full Moon of 2020 will reach peak illumination at 10:35 EST, April 7th and it is going to be in the sign of Libra. Full Moons are always highly emotional and intense. The Full Moon in Libra is asking us to seek the solace of our soul. To celebrate the arrival of this Super Full Moon in Libra, on March 28 at 9:45 PM ET, we are hosting Global Live Super Full Moon in Libra Meditation on our YouTube channel. We are coming to a time and place where we have worked on ourselves, we have worked on relationships, we have worked on how we think and communicate, and now we are working on our foundations. This traditional name for the pink full Moon in April stems from the moss pink, or wild ground phlox, being in their season to blossom. Maybe that’s love, kindness or compassion. The Super Full Libra Moon Gives Us a Glimpse Into the Future. Libra is a sign that is all about balance and harmony. Today we are chatting about the Full Moon in Libra, and yes, it is a Super Moon! She’s our deepest selves. While the Libra Full Moon won’t be the closest one to Earth, it is coming simultaneously with other powerful planetary alignments. Full Moons represent the culmination, blossoming, and maturation of the lunar cycle. So, if you are of the sensitive variety, make sure to apply soul screen as needed. This is the perfect time to find harmony in our relationship with others, and with ourselves. This sign is symbolized by the scales and is associated with our relationships. But it doesn’t stop there, this Super Full Moon also coincides with the Spring Equonix, bringing us out of winter/summer and swooping us into spring/autumn with love, beauty and creativity – the true essence of Libra. On Sunday, March 28th, the full super moon will land in the sign of Libra. Libra Full Moon Ritual Guide This is the first Full Moon of the new Astrological year. Let’s choose to motivate with love. The celestial alignments of the moment shine a light on the places where we struggle to accept and assert ourselves, our needs, our boundaries, and our desires. Super Full Moon in Libra: Embracing Who We Are. Have we ever been in an argument with someone only to realize we are both saying the same things but in different ways? This is a good time to reframe old ideas, fears, and beliefs around conflict and discover new and more empowering ways to perceive and experience confrontations. The Super Full Moon in Libra brings the energy of social, compassionate judgment, A focus on our relationships and what may keep us from opening up of hearts. There’s a rebellious energy in the air and if we are holding ourselves back because of a relationship or expectation of another, the pressure will be felt. It’s the free spirit who does not want to follow pre-conceived norms and instead wants to be spontaneous. The presence of the Sun and Venus in tight conjunction with Chiron gives us an opportunity to clearly see how these patterns have been playing out in our relationships. It’s pretty unusual. Many people have been struggling to process some of the collective events unfolding. Maybe it’s excitement, passion or justice. The full moon falls in the sign of Libra which is ruled by Venus the planet of love. During these times looking up at the expanse of the night’s sky and seeing the Full Moon build can bring peace and clarity. This full super moon in Libra will be reflecting the light of the Aries sun. Whatever frequency we choose to embody, as that energy pulses through us, as we feel it, it is existing on Earth. On March 28/29th, we have the powerful Super Full Moon at 8 degrees of Libra. This full moon is also another Super Moon, which means that the moon is even closer to earth increasing the gravitational pull. Moon Astro Chart, Astrology, Lunar chart - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. On April 7th at 10:35pm EDT, the Full Moon becomes exact in almost 19 degrees of Libra.All Full Moons bring an opportunity for awareness and integration of the traits connected to the relevant Full Moon polarities, especially those that have been neglected or suppressed. On this Full Moon, we have an opportunity to clearly see the coping mechanisms we have developed, the real reason behind our triggers, behind those fears and compulsions that may be sabotaging our life or holding us back in a variety of ways. Aries is the sign of power and in many ways the power is coming back to the people. This cosmic event is highlighting what is preventing us from establishing and maintaining relationships based on equality and fairness. Super Moon Season Begins with the March Super Full Moon in Libra—-the Sign that Wants Compromise and Justice. The full moon in Libra takes place on Sunday, March 28th at eight degrees. Super Moon season is upon us, and I … That’s the power of the people. We are part of a grid of energy and every movement or intention matters. She’s the archetype of the wife. The Sun and the Moon are opposite each other and that’s what causes a Full Moon. Created with Sketch. Chiron teaches us that by going through our suffering and meeting our pain, we get closer to who we truly are. We are learning the best way to save others is to understand who we are. Full Moons represent the culmination, blossoming, and maturation of the lunar cycle. This full moon is in the Zodiac sign of Libra. The Moon teaches us that there are phases to life. This Full Moon is also known as a Worm Moon! Studies have been done that prove when we as humans meditate, pray or align our energy, shifts occur. Take time during the full moon in Libra of 2021 to write down your vision for the future. The Super Full Moon in Libra on Wednesday 8 April 2020 coincides with 2 interesting energies, that of the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction and the numerological energies of 844. This Moon is in Libra while the Sun is transiting Aries. This new paradigm is inviting us to get very active within ourselves, and from that space of alignment, we then move out into the world. Additionally, the Aries Sun conjuncts Venus, Chiron, and Ceres and opposes the Libra Moon, offering even more detailed insight. We want you to invest in yourself and experience these Pink Super Full Moon ritual tools. Super Full Moon in Libra, March 30, 2029 Lunar calendar, Moon Phase-Moon Phase: Super Full Moon in Libra - Friday, March 30th, 2029. Full Moons bring about a comp Analyzing this configuration is extremely relevant to understand the significance of this Supermoon. This Super Full Moon in Libra is asking us to access our inner realms. 397 Likes. Vulnerability and total self-acceptance are key to working with this Full Moon constructively. Grand trines are usually considered beneficial aspects, as they symbolize flow and ease between celestial bodies transiting signs of the same element. The “old” reality that is shifting has sold us on an idea that we must be participants in the world around us. She’s our fierce emotions and instincts. Around the same time of the Full Moon in Libra, Mars will be squaring Uranus. A Full Worm Moon in Libra – 28th March 2021. Libra is not inherently balanced: its task is to search for balance, as it tends to extremes. This Full Moon is offering us an opportunity to make different, more conscious choices and change our habitual relating patterns. Collectively, this could manifest by issues of social equality and justice coming again in the spotlight. Moon Astro Chart, Astrology, Lunar chart - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. Let’s take a look at some of the themes the Sun is illuminating throughout her time in Aries. Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces may increase the sense of disorientation and confusion relative to how we are supposed to express our needs and desires. To make the most out of this energy, explore new ways of expressing yourself and explaining what is going on in your inner world. At this time, in the Northern and Eastern parts of the United States, the first Worms begin to emerge from the ground, preparing the soil for Spring: their movements help increase the availability of nutrients for plants. Tap here to learn more and gain access to ritual tools. The Sun-Moon opposition brings things to a head, illuminating what we need to know, revealing to us what we are meant to become aware of at this particular time. The Full Supermoon in Libra forms a Grand Air Trine configuration involving Saturn in Aquarius, Mars, and the North Node in Gemini. It craves balance and strives to create a harmonious flow between all the different facets of our lives. Libra is the Air sign of balance, equity, equilibrium, appearance, truth, peace and grace. It’s a time of turning away from the external world and tapping into the internal. The Martian archetype expressed through the lens of Gemini is about self-assertion, independent thinking, confident and direct communication, and instinctual exploration of our ideas and urges, which ultimately allows us to discover more of ourselves. It will wiggle its way over the evening sky to a full super brightness on Sunday 28th March at 19:48 UK time and will be lighting up night skies. We are asked to set our personal desires and wishes aside for the greater good of all. This configuration may reflect a tendency to remain stuck in our heads and a temptation to over-intellectualize feelings. We may experience a lack of willingness to be emotionally open and to explore the deeper psychological issues beneath our habitual patterns of behavior and reaction. However, what she is learning is that people pleasing can only take us so far during intense times. Avoiding excessive self-analysis and rationality may be beneficial, as this is not a time to remain stuck in our habitual ways of thinking, learning, communicating, and perceiving reality. Supermoons are Full or New Moons happening closer to us, hence they appear brighter and bigger. The Libra Full Moon occurs on Sunday, March 28 at 10:48am Alaska time, 11:48am PDT, 2:48pm EDT and 7 :48pm GMT. The Full Moon opposing Chiron, Venus, and the Sun reminds us that having our wounds exposed and being ok with being seen in our totality by others can be an extremely liberating and healing experience, yet it is undoubtedly hard. This is a much needed energy that will bring a lot of balance with it. But to sum it up, we are experiencing a revamp of the systems of authority and power. Simultaneously, Neptune infuses creativity, artistry, and magic into our capacity to communicate our thoughts and ideas. As the Full Moon takes place, Mars forms a conjunction with the North Node of the Moon in Gemini, a point in space related to our collective karmic path and direction. The name was used by the Algonquin tribe, as well as by colonial Americans. To make the most out of this energy, explore new ways of expressing yourself and explaining what is going on in your inner world. The Full Worm Moon reminds us of our innate capacity for regeneration and invites us to focus on small but consistent progress to stay motivated, focused, and positive. Here we are facing the question of who we want to be and how we want to act. (tap here to read Jupiter Conjunct Pluto article). We … April 5, 2020. The Full Moon happening in March is also commonly referred to as the Worm Moon. Super Full Moon in Libra (8th of April 2020) Hi everyone and welcome to your astrological forecast for this super Full Moon taking place on the 8 th of April at 18 degrees of the sign of Libra. For many of us she is in constant survival mode, ready to attack or defend herself. In this particular case, it may indicate an excessive emphasis on rationality and logic. A square is about finding compromise and understanding, even if that can feel difficult at times. This is the fourth-closest Full Moon […] The power of collective meditation and intention is real. Tap here to learn more and gain access to ritual tools. It will look larger, so go out and watch it rise if you can. Our perception of reality is likely to deepen and expand, yet we may have a hard time rationally explaining or verbalizing what is going on. The Super Full Moon in Libra is About Personal Power. Libra energy loves to help others and care for others. Chiron is an asteroid, commonly associated with the figure of the wounded healer, symbolizing both the wound, often linked to feelings of rejection, and the medicine, which allows us to come into contact with our innate capacity to heal, know ourselves, and self-actualize. The Grand Air trine supports our capacity for innovation and our ability to come up with creative solutions and ideas that allow us to create new patterns, pathways, and possibilities. This is a good day to begin our journey of deepening and expanding our understanding and consciousness. We all have a frequency we can send out. We aren’t going to fit into the roles others want us to play. This alignment has the potential to strengthen our ability to understand the purpose of our emotional experiences with detachment and objectivity. Mars conjunct the North Node highlights the importance of reclaiming our voice, our needs, and our desires. Heart The last time Pluto was in Capricorn the world saw the start of modern economics, the US Declaration of Independence, secret societies were formed, and much more. Our perception of reality is likely to deepen and expand, yet we may have a hard time rationally explaining or verbalizing what is going on. Chiron was in Aries during the Jazz age and again during Woodstock. Technically speaking, she is a point of alignment where the Moon is farthest from the Earth. This Super Full Moon in Libra focuses on the axis of individualism vs co-operation, or, simpler said, me vs us. Comment below if you can feel this energy too and let us know if you’re going to be joining our live meditation under the light of this Super Full Moon! Super Full Moon in Libra, March 21, 2019 Lunar calendar, Moon Phase-Moon Phase: Super Full Moon in Libra - Thursday, March 21st, 2019. Landing in Libra on the 28th March, it will bring balance and harmony to the fiery and ambitious Aries season. To use an analogy, our 3D world is undergoing a controlled demolition. At the time of this Libra Full Moon, Venus, Chiron, and the Sun will all be aligned. March 25, 2021 / Living Simplyy. We may be just one grain of sand, but we are learning each speck makes a difference. There’s a plan to what’s unfolding, but if we haven’t been filled in, these times can feel frantic and scary. That things change and we too are always changing. I’m super … This energy is calling on an openness and an expansiveness. The Super Full Moon in Libra on Tuesday, April 7, 2020 is all about balance, balance, balance. Black Moon Lilith is in Aries during this Full Moon in Libra. Below you can see Schumann/Gaia Resonance spike in response to 5D New Earth mass global meditation that took place few days ago (we also hosted live meditation where thousands joined us and it was incredible, you can find highlights on our Instagram page @MoonOmens) at 10:45 PM EST / 04:45 AM CET April 4 / 5th. I evolve, you evolve, we all evolve together with fairness, justice and balance. The April 7th Full Moon is also referred to as the “Pink Full Moon”. Just know that there is an awakening that will continue to unfold. To help you harness this energy Super Full Moon in Libra brings we have created Full Moon printable channeled “Embracing Who We Are” journal and guided meditation audio. The Full moon is a time of Healing, Enchantment, Revealing the truth, protection, and illumination. Full moons often highlight the areas in our lives where opposing energies need to be balanced and integrated. Power is not an external force, instead it’s something that exists within each of us. This tapping into ourselves occurs in many ways, one of the ways is getting clear on the roles we play. This Full Libra Super Moon is a powerful one! Even if the actual dimension of the Moon doesn’t change, they tend to be felt more intensely, due to the stronger effect of the Moon on tides. (Tap here to read Aries Season Article). All Full Moons represent, release, manifestation and endings. 1.09K Likes, Pink Super Full Moon in Libra April 7, 2020, (tap here to read Jupiter Conjunct Pluto article), (Read more about effects of 4/4 Portal Global Meditation & Gaia’s Shumann frequency here), (Tap here or on the image below to gain access to guided meditation audio & journal). Basically, we are asked to be open to new experiences. (Tap here or on the image below to gain access to guided meditation audio & journal), Heart These energies are intense, confusing and can bring up all sorts of emotions. Remember, this doesn’t mean we are merely acting for ourselves, it means that we are exploring the impact our individual energy has on the collective. This Full Supermoon is the first one of a series of four, that will include a Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius and culminate with a Full Supermoon in Capricorn, on June 24. A Super Full Moon at 8°18’ of Libra is coming up this March 28th at 6:49 pm. We are living in extraordinary times. But, we are beginning to understand and experience our capacity to radiate and impact the collective. However, this needs to happen through an intuitive rather than logical process, as the two planets are in the sign of Pisces. We are asked to be okay with not making everyone happy. It promotes an open-minded yet structured and proactive approach to challenging situations and experiences that may come up during these days. The Full Moon in Libra wants to make an impact. This aspect is about speaking up honestly and directly, verbalizing our feelings and emotions, asserting our point of view and our boundaries. Individually, we are likely to reflect upon how to find a better flow between the energy we direct towards ourselves and the energy we invest in our love and social life. Chiron is an asteroid, commonly associated with the figure of the wounded healer, symbolizing both the wound, often linked to feelings of rejection, and the medicine, which allows us to come into contact with our innate capacity to heal, know ourselves, and self-actualize. Our main fear in this regard is that if we show our true selves and ask for what we really want and need, people will leave us and stop loving us. Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you enjoyed this article! The Full Moon opposing Chiron, Venus, and the Sun reminds us that having our wounds exposed and being ok with being seen in our totality by others can be an extremely liberating and healing experience, yet it is undoubtedly hard. Venus is the planetary ruler of the Libra Full Moon, and it is currently in Aries, conjunct both the Sun and Chiron, opposing the Moon. Created with Sketch. We are still in uncertain times…with the Virus still here even though we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel, and the World in a bit of chaos....but this Libra Full Moons energy is about love, relationships of all kinds and balance! The celestial alignments of the moment shine a light on the places where we struggle to accept and assert ourselves, our needs, our boundaries, and our desires. By Rachel Celeste Hansen. It’s particularly notable because it will oppose not only the sun in Aries but Venus and Chiron are also at 8 eight degrees. The asteroid, Juno, is opposite Black Moon Lilith during this Full Moon in Libra. The moon is closer to the earth so you will feel a stronger than usual electromagnetic energy from it and the moon will appear bigger and brighter because it is a super full moon. This is the time for some space. This sign is about creating peace, justice, and beauty by reconciling opposites. Chiron is in Aries as well, and throughout history during this transit we have seen countercultures emerge. We have a Super Full Moon in Libra tonight. In this particular case, it may indicate an excessive emphasis on rationality and logic. The Full Moon in Libra is a time to look in the mirror and get up close and personal with ourselves. On April 7th, the Full Pink Super Moon in Libra is happening. Libra reminds us that a perfect, static balance does not exist, yet we shouldn’t stop striving for it, we shouldn’t stop adjusting and negotiating. The 3D reality matrix we are told to live in is built off of these energies, and now it is time for change. This aspect is about speaking up honestly and directly, verbalizing our feelings and emotions, asserting our point of view and our boundaries. Have we ever needed to take a step away or get some fresh air? When a planet joins the North Node, it represents an archetype we are encouraged to embody, as it is a supportive influence for our personal and collective growth. But this time society and the system itself is getting a major overhaul. Until now maybe we’ve been told that we can only listen to the broadcast or receive. Super Full Moon in Libra: Affirmations For Each Sign. The Full Moon happening in March is also commonly referred to as the Worm Moon. This Moon is all about LOVE.Libra is all about justice, peace, romance, and the collective. Super Full Moon in Libra: the Never Ending Search for Balance . The contrast is occurring between Mars, the planet of action and individuality, and Uranus the energy of change on innovation. You can see a picture of this, further down. As a reminder, a Supermoon occurs when the moon is physically closer to the Earth than usual, thus amplifying its effects. Just as the Moon pulls on the tides of the ocean even more strongly when this close, expect her to pull at your inner tides too: Your emotions, feelings, and sensitivities. Imagine we had an old building that we knew was damaged and not safe for people to enter. Tap here to find our scheduled live meditation. This energy can involve misunderstanding and requires each of us to be hyper aware. We are likely to notice a feeling of not being able to do so clearly, especially if misunderstandings are common in our lives. This energy is asking us to take a look at who we are, and more importantly what we believe it means to be an individual. This Super Full Moon becomes exact at 2:48 PM New York time (18:48 GMT) on Sunday, March 28. Furthermore, this […] Full Moons represent the culmination, blossoming, and maturation of the lunar cycle. Juno is the energy of partnership. It is very energized…intense at times and presents us with some Radical Transformations! The Full moon and New Moon are already potent energetic times to feel the Moon’s energy and light; with this moon being a Super Full Moon, be prepared to really feel this moon. This alignment has the potential to strengthen our ability to understand the purpose of our emotional experiences with detachment and objectivity. The Full Moon will oppose the Sun in firey Aries, who will be looking for things to go its way or get on the highway! These times are filled with many full blown changes and that can feel shocking to our human systems. At this time, in the Northern and Eastern parts of the United States, the first Worms begin to emerge from the ground, preparing the soil for Spring: their movements help increase the availability of nutrients for plants. This moon will be so close to the Earth, it will almost be a Super Moon. Relationships are where our wounds get activated the most, but also where we have the chance to understand ourselves more deeply, through the mirror of the other. Libra’s love connections and their relationships with people. Simultaneously, Neptune infuses creativity, artistry, and magic into our capacity to communicate our thoughts and ideas. Libra represents your relationships, partnerships, and finding a balance in them. Moreover, Mars is the planet currently ruling the Sun, Venus, and Chiron in Aries hence it represents a supportive influence that can allow us to constructively channel the energy of their triple conjunction. The Libra Full Moon is a Super Moon because it is close to the Earth, at its perigee. Both those times in history taught us to break free from what society deemed appropriate. Aries energy is about independence and individuality. We feel the pull of our needs against the needs of the we. Mercury-Neptune aspects allow us to express ourselves in a way that allows others to identify with and feel mirrored by us, as Neptune relates to the collective emotional body. Chiron is currently transiting Aries: in this case, the wound that is activated is directly linked to doubting our right to exist, our inherent self-worth, our capacity to take action, assert ourselves and have our needs met. We are talking about sovereignty and reclaiming the energetic beings that we are. We invite you to join us, and invite others to meditate together with us. The Super Pink Full Moon in Libra shines its bright glow on April 7, bringing partnerships to the forefront of our hearts. Libra is a Yang, Air, and Cardinal archetype. This moon will be most beneficial for the air and fire signs; Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Tap here to find our scheduled live meditation. To help and assist you further during these challenging times of change we have created a guided meditation audio and really powerful journal. This configuration may reflect a tendency to remain stuck in our heads and a temptation to over-intellectualize feelings. However, from that discomfort is a massive opportunity. Full Super Moon in Libra. On March 28, 2:48 PM ET, we witness the first Supermoon of the year, an enchanting Full Moon happening at 8°18’ of Libra and opposing the Sun, Venus, and Chiron in Aries. But it is the Super Full Moon in Libra that has caught my attention. This is powerful. In the days leading up to the full moon you can almost taste the rise of emotions and feel the thickness of their heaviness. It can feel overwhelming to have to face ourselves or feel stuck alone. This Supermoon in Libra begs to answer those deep questions that have been on our soul for a while. On the 28th of March, the Full Moon will be at at 8 degrees in Libra in direct opposition to the conjunction of the Sun, Venus, and Chiron in Aries, also at 8 degrees. Chiron in Aries is about making peace with who we are and accepting ourselves no matter what, whether the world likes it or not. When we look back at these astrological cycles throughout history we can get a sense for what is being taken down. Super Full Moon at 2:35 UTC. You can read more about this new reality of Earth being built from the ground up in the Jupiter Conjunct Pluto article. This Super Full Moon in Libra is asking us to access our inner realms. Now is the time to embody the frequency we wish to see pulsing through our 3D reality. The most important thing is to take care of ourselves right now and to tap into who we really are…. This March 20 at 9.43PM (21 March, 12.42PM Aussies) we welcome the Super Full Moon in Libra 0˚ bringing an opportunity for a powerful new beginning. Chiron is currently transiting Aries: in this case, the wound that is activated is directly linked to doubting our right to exist, our inherent self-worth, our capacity to take action, assert ourselves and have our needs met. The Full Moon in Libra shines a light on our never ending search for harmony, both in our individual lives and in the social context.