... World of Warcraft on Reddit! I didnt have the gold to buy his out, however, I did undercut him with 5 more stacks, I play the same game they do Usually works for me. But both methods do stop prices from rising. 2.1m. The reason to undercut now is to create a new, shorter queue with you at the front of it. While I've discussed using Auctionator for undercutting in the past but I thought it would be good to break it down to the most basic level. Stick your name here. Undercutting on items close to their auction expiration Especially if you want to sell a rather expensive piece of armor, a recipe or anything rare, and there’s only one similar item at the auction house, it’s always best to wait until the auction is over, before undercutting it. WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-Up Hello! Auction House undercut Bots active? I’m Alyzande, I’m the writer for The Gold Queen, and I’m an undercutter. A category you may have overlooked in your article is the multi-box UC. Selling something for the absolute cheapest price isn't always the best strategy when it comes to the auction house. Members. This article had the information I needed. Look for: Easy to spot, he’s 1c underneath you. Join discord for support: Updated for 8.3, there are couple of known bugs and one big change since previous patch: 1. Experiment with pricing according to successes. This means there is no longer a first and last page of listed items. When you have something for sale and it is literally flying off the shelves, there’s no reason to undercut. You will no longer see 50 listings per page, because the AH is just one page now. WoW Auction is a tool to search the World of Warcraft auction house online. With MoP right around the corner I’m trying to build a nest egg so I won’t be completely bankrupted by the flurry of price gouging to come. I always post neatherweave bags at 25g each. I guess the moral of the story (for me) is there will always be someone who can out camp you so have some other strategies in place. Naturally, if either of these over emotional people post too low, buy them out like with any low priced. This makes the sellers market stronger for both of you. The Auction house maps are currently sourced from the main game and will be updated as soon as Classic launches. First, thanks so much for making significant improvements to the Auction House experience with 8.3. The buyer will always buy the cheapest nevermind what. You can see the location marked on the map to the right. Selling items on the Auction House for prices below their current market value ("undercutting") is allowed, as the Auction House is viewed as a free market. 2. Wait it out. His graph was all blue–one or two white squares but the rest shades of blue. The most challenging UC is the one who camps and replenishes as soon as his auctions sell. Market break is 1c under the next highest AH post apart from those two competitors squabbling like children. True Value is one of the methods I teach in my new gold guide scheduled for release later this year. Hopefully this drives your competing players out the Auction House. 11 thoughts on “Shadowlands Auction House Undercutting!! Could waste your time. Warcraft Swift Spectral Tiger Owners Club – Exclusive. When buying ‘com… Auctions are also one of the best money-sinks in the game. This addon organizes auction listings logically by prices and stack size for easy purchasing. A player is able to place any item up for auction for any price they wish. A player is able to place any item up for auction for any price they wish.Customer Support is entirely hands off when it comes to the Auction House, and will not intervene in pricing disputes. Majority of replies. Undermine provides some insight on your product currently and overtime as well. | STOP IT!!! It’s war! You create perceived scarcity. Undercutting can get a bit silly when people undercut you by 1c! Since we each use multiple alts to post we can do things like UC our own auctions and buy other player’s auctions without giving out critical intel ourselves. How to deal with him:  He’s a buyer’s dream because he doesn’t give a crap if he’s making a good profit, as long as he makes some gold. I normally deal with this if I have the gold by buying out the others auctions and reposting them at my usual price , earlier I noticed I was undercutted on some chocolate cookies on my mage…I hate this, its one of my huge markets on my mage, that and bags.