Please Note – Applications can be completed online. Where a development or activity damages or destroys habitat or disturbs a legally protected species, a mitigation licence will be required for works to lawfully proceed. District Level Licensing (DLL) is now live across Greater Manchester. Our licensing scheme is a quicker and simpler alternative to applying for a GCN mitigation license. 28 February 2019. Ecological can help you and your project with any protected species licensing or mitigation / compensation design and implementation, including if you require experienced ecologists with bat, badger or great crested newt low impact / mitigation class licenses - | +44 (0) 7870 157022.. Mitigation Licensing – Great Crested Newts . Great crested newt mitigation licence Natural England’s district level licensing scheme, which the council is part of, has been introduced to make applying for a great crested newt mitigation licence a more simple process, if your site is affected by great crested newts. Getting a great crested newt survey or research class licence level 1 (CL08) is an important qualification for an ecologist as it enables you to work closely with one of the UK’s rarest amphibians without any legal implications. There is now a district level licensing scheme for great crested newts in Cheshire. The animals and their eggs, breeding sites and resting places are protected by law. Here’s some advice from Martin Roche, a … Mitigation. Great Crested Newt DLL. Great crested newts: apply for a mitigation licence (A14) Protected species and development: advice for local planning authorities Otters: surveys and mitigation … Class licence CL08: to survey great crested newts for scientific (including research) or educational purposes Level 1. demonstrating it meets a purpose under the legislation, whether alternative options have been considered, and whether the favourable conservation status of great crested newt … This year has seen a significant change to the policies and procedures surrounding great crested newt mitigation, with Natural England introducing the new District Level Licensing strategy.This went live in Kent on 28 February 2019, and in Cheshire a month later, with the objective of gradually becoming available for use in all counties throughout England. You may be able to get a licence … As is the case with a conventional mitigation licence, the ‘three (legal) tests’ relating to great crested newts must be met (i.e. If survey confirms the presence of great crested newts on a site, and the development is considered likely to result in significant adverse impacts on newts and their places of shelter, serious consideration should be given to ‘designing out’ potential conflicts (e.g. For developments in the red impact risk zone, there will be a requirement for some on-site mitigation measures to reduce harm to great crested newts … Mitigation Licences. Greater Manchester Ecology Unit (GMEU) is the habitat delivery body for Greater Manchester. authorisation under the District Licence held by the LPA and any future impacts that they have on newts will then be covered. The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended) Licence Application Form. Great crested newts are a European protected species. Overview. Please get in touch if B.A.T.