", I have to dry my leaves first, but I can't wait to feel the calm and love....", garden with sage in it, so I will likely make my own. You may find a more diverse selection if you search the Internet for "sage bundles". A smudging ceremony is the ritual of burning plant resins and herbs in a shell or a clay bowl while intentions and prayers are called forth. Dry sage will catch fire very quickly. If the smudge stick is correctly made, it should be tightly bundled; this means that it should stop smoking on its own when you stop fanning it. "This is my first time to remove negativity and evil from a room that I am renting, and had never heard of smudging. Yes, but I wouldn't consider burning it like that, as it might lead to the house burning down. Water them consistently, make sure that they have space to grow, and be patient. ", "Thanks for your helpful pictorial post on burning sage. Keep water on hand in case the burn flares out of your control. How to Use White Sage… The easiest and most popular way to tune into the benefits of white sage is by burning the dried leaves. You can scatter or bury seeds from an existing sage plant in your garden. Be careful not to shake away too many of the seeds and flowers. Often thought of as a violent cult, the truth couldn’t be farther from the popular cultural associations, such as voodoo dolls, witchdoctors, and violent-tinged sorcery. You should be able to find dried sage in small, independent herb shops; at some grocery stores, health stores, and farmers markets; in head shops, smoke shops, or anywhere that incense is sold. Her classes combine challenging and awakening energy through unique sequencing, articulate asana, grounding meditation, and enlivening pranayama practice. New York: New York State University Press. Do not throw them away into the trash or flush them down the toilet. Scatter them outside on the soil. Whether you transplant a living sage bush or grow your own from seed, make sure that you give the plant plenty of time to establish itself in your garden. Our unique blend of yoga, meditation, personal transformation, and alternative healing content is designed for those seeking to not just enhance their physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities, but to fuse them in the knowledge that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. The smoke represents prayers going out in to the Universe. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. No. 1. Make sure that the sage has burned enough that the embers will continue to smoke. Open the doors or windows, then place the bundle in a ceramic dish, bowl, incense tray, or other non-flammable vessel. May my heart be in truth and grow with purity, balance and joy. You will need either a clay bowl or a large clam shell or abalone shell, Herbs of your choice to burn (remove stems), Large Feather or your hand is fine to wave smoke, Place the herbs or plant resin in the smudging vessel, Light the herbs with a wooden match for 20 seconds are until it catches flame, Wave the herbs with feather or hand so the flame goes out and the smoke swirls, Smudge yourself first, waving the smoke over your face with eyes closed, over heart and limbs, over crown of the head and under the feet, When you smudge others begins with the front body, then ask them to turn to do their back body, ask them to lift one foot then the other, Have a clear intention to purify with your light and love anyone whom you are smudging. Cup your hands over the smoke and “wash” your face with it, then wave it all over your body as you would in a water shower. May I speak prayers of healing to Mother Earth. I found it very informative. Use a candle, a match, or a lighter to set the sage ablaze. As long as there is smoke billowing, keep going. What other benefits come from burning sage? Consider turning on a fan if you want the smoke to dissipate more quickly. This is very important, If you are smudging a home or a studio (wonderful for clearing away negative energy or when moving into a new space) ignite your herbs if they go out and begin the waving of smoke until every nook and cranny of the space has been smudged, Once you are finished, take the ashes of the burned herbs and return it to the Earth. Do Jesus, Dionysius, Krishna, And Mithras Share The Same Life Story? You can buy smudging sticks made specifically for sage burning rituals. Powdered sage won't burn. ” arises, it’s usually accompanied with misconceptions, fear, and a lack of understanding. Smoke is a collection of airborne particulates and gases emitted when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysis, together with the quantity of air that is entrained or otherwise mixed into the mass. I dedicate this room to life, and to love, and to light, and to all that is good.". I purchased my smudge stick over four months ago now. Perhaps you want to cleanse your home of negative energy. As the smudging ceremony is practiced, the smoke rises and so do the prayers to mother earth, father sky, to the sun and the moon, to the plants, the animals and the water. Cedar can also be used as a healing tea as it is very high in Vitamin C. It can be bundled, dried, and burned for purification and to heighten the connection to the spiritual realms. Make sure that the sage has burned enough that the embers will continue to smoke. She works with professional athletes and teaches the Vancouver Canucks, the Vancouver Whitecaps and the dancers of Kidd Pivot. Take the tallest, most mature stems, and leave the rest. If that’s the case, you can create a cleansing spray using essential oils. I only want the aroma of the sage. Sage can be gathered and bundled to dry in a stick or a smudge stick can be purchased already dried. Thank you. There are 4 points of the Medicine Wheel. It depends on your personal ritual and the reason for smudging. Her ability to hold sacred space for the hearts and minds of others offers a vast landscape for transformation within. Sage is used traditionally in Native North American, First Nations and Indigenous cultures to represent the life force and maternal lineage of women. Don't forget to disable any smoke alarms in your house before you start. Chanting Sankata Nashanam Ganapati Stotram daily frees a person from all kinds of impediments and destroys all sorrows. If the smoke ceases before you are done with your ritual, you can carefully light the sage again. Either moderate your smoke-spreading, avoid rooms with smoke detectors, or remove the batteries from the smoke detector before burning your sage. Ganesha Stotram is taken from the Narada Purana. Use sustainable wild-crafting practices. When the sage is sufficiently dried, it should crackle gently when squeezed. The mood in the house has been one of anger, depression and anxiety. If the smudge does not stop burning on its own, cover it with a bowl to limit the oxygen to the smoldering smudge. Try not to inhale the smoke directly; this may harm your lungs. Be sure to allow the smoke to drift into even the hidden spaces, like inside closets, basements and dark corners. In lieu of burning sage, you can employ smoke-free methods with white sage essential oil. Sage brings wisdom (old sage/wise), clarity, energy cleansing, and increased spiritual intuition. Be careful. ", "This was helpful in how to burn sage properly.". Follow your intuition. If you have a pet, consider saging their space, but do not disturb them with the smoke. It is a common belief that the strong scent of sage can purge the negative energy from a room, a home, and a heart. When the word “voodoo” arises, it’s usually accompanied with misconceptions, fear, and a lack of understanding. If you follow my site’s Facebook page, you know I am currently doing course 3 of my program entitled Aboriginal focusing oriented therapy and complex trauma. Submit a new video or add information to an existing one. Our thoughts and prayers are carried on its smoke. In Native American cultures, the abalone shell is used as a smudge bowl to burn sage in. ", to permeate our home. Smudging is a very powerful practice and can work wonders in clearing away stagnant or unwanted energies in your home, in your heart or your mind. You want the negative energy and evil spirits to leave as the smoke clears them out. Avoid using wood, paper, rubber, or anything flammable. 1 Additional Information 2 Ability 3 Tips 4 Trivia 5 Gallery 6 Recent Changes Stacks with itself in the inventory, there is no stack limit. It acts like a commitment made by people and supported by the Spirit World. To create this article, 17 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. You should be able to buy sage seeds or a sage plant at a local nursery. Please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. ", "I was able to cleanse my house properly. Do you have any suggestions to keep it smoking? Sage. This article has been viewed 503,283 times. And it’s not just your spirit that will benefit: A 2007 study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacol linked burning sage (a.k.a. The sell value adapts based on the number of instances in a stack. Do not overfill the areas with lots of smoke. White sage is perfect for cleansing your house of negative energy: evil or loose energy disappears like snow in the sun. May I be open to hear the good and allow any negativities to slide off me. You want the smoke to cleanse, but you do not want it to linger. To create this article, 17 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. The practice of burning sage can be whatever you want it to be. White sage has been traditionally burned by the indigenous peoples of the American Southwest, but other varieties of sage may suit your purposes. Howlite is a beautiful white stone that represents the spiritual qualities of stillness, tenderness, and open-mindedness.. After reading this article, I am more, "We moved into a new home and had a new addition. Often thought of as a violent cult, the truth couldn’t be farther from the popular cultural associations, such as voodoo dolls, witchdoctors, and violent-tinged sorcery. To use white sage as efficient as possible, you … Muncie, J. Birthstone Meanings and Stone Properties by Month. "I was curious after seeing a video on the benefits of burning sage, and wanted to know how to do it.