1992. I hope we both can weather this new moon with love and strength of character! It may be that fate sees you visit the darkness for you regenerate like a butterfly from the cocoon. Even more when on this date this conjunction will be in almost exact opposition to my natal Venus (19.12) and I think will still trine my natal Jupiter (17.14). Negative manifestation can also result in self-abuse through drugs or other forms of self-harm. This is happening on my 1st house moon which squares Chiron and opposes Saturn. Pluto Conjunct Ascendant Transit. Hi Jamie, Somebody asked how long transits last. I’m not trying to be morose or dramatic. X. The thing is, not the whole world is affected by earthquakes so I don’t know which date to take for Croatia, what Would be the chart for our country? This is just what comes to mind. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! So not to alarm everyone. Wise counsel. Cause i had 2 years ago trine of transiting pluto and venus, but nothing happened….no love no money :))) What can i expect now Jamie? Typical Piscean maybe, since it’s the 12th house. You will be wielding greater power to attract friends and lovers. Agena causing rarsh relationships to women is totally true. PS: I am ethically against suicide. Maybe it’s the death of democracy. Cross fingers, it all comes to an end without accident or cruelty involved. 1st House. It’s like you need to deal with very intransigent people and situations that are quite out of your control. To men, it’s the opposite). And I sincerely hope nothing and nobody dies except that which should naturally dissolve anyway…, Eeek ! Elsa, I haven’t got your newsletter since January 2nd 🙁. I would go with 25. You want to experience companionship at a deeper, more intense level. But stalking and spying are not acceptable, and if married then an affair at this time would have the most serious repercussions. Aspects will flavor the influence of a fixed star, not the other way around. My sister died on Dec 26th, 2020. Of sorts of missunderstandings. If not there, then please resub. 2nd house. As for the individual, all those planets are likely to be contained in just one house in your chart. Much love guys, don’t fear a thing, you have all you need within and around you. H). Humans are no longer equal in the eyes of the white god. What do you make of this conjunction on a badly aspected moon? Problems will arise if you consciously misuse your increased pulling power. Eliminating negative associations and behaviors is important for your development. I’m banking on it being the death of the old version of me and the rebirth of a new version of me. In your natal chart, Pluto’s house position is more important than his sign position because, like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, Pluto is a slow planet. Get off to a good start. I do not know what to say other than that, mainly because there is no one sentence succinct enough to describe it all. Then Square my Venus in Libra 2nd H @ 24.Can someone tell me how TOUGH it will be for me? And this can be a repeating cycle spiraling down into despair. It’s in my 5th house, which ends at 29 degrees Capricorn, so hopefully that helps? Our charts are similar and it falls in my 12th house opposite my Natal 22 degree Cancer sun/cancer Leo stellium. @Elsa I’ll keep you in my prayers. This new moon, combined with the Pluto transit of key planets in my chart, has brought dopplegangers from the past back into my life, not necessarily in a welcome way, all within a day or two…Quite amazing! Transiting Mars is squaring both. I hope you stay safe and that you are not dying. Hi Jamie! I have had the big guys through the 12th for donkeys and still got 12th house son mars mercury mc by progression for YEARS. I send them all the time. So I’m just telling you how this looks to me. Fixed stars are actually a stronger influence than aspect I believe. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Life altering experience that I still am not quite over. Sudden death? Just not another earthquake, I also can’t take it anymore.