Obliterator, in a format that uses Mythics, just isn't that ridiculously overpowered. However, standard is rarely about what is the most raw powerful card. CardHoarder 1070.63 TIX also what about ANY creature that has infect??? I'll be sad if people don't start calling. The first ability keeps with the spirit of the original card Liliana Vess. My first pick would be Phyrexian Obliterator, because I love it but also because it fits black devotion incredibly well and is also referred to in Elspeth's nightmare. Obli hurts rdw can hold its own vs caw and with a good draw you have a fair chance of winning vs any deck. Even by the time we were releasing Magic 2011 and Magic 2012, Lightning Bolt and Path to Exile forced us to create creature cards on the level of the Titans and Phyrexian Obliterator just to try and let expensive creatures see play, since the mana efficiency of the removal was so high. [card]Chameleon Colossus[/card] costs too much, especially with Thrun in the format, but it interacts well with the new land. That was pretty interesting. Phyrexian Obliterator The overpowered juggernaut that makes opposing players pray for removal while they quiver in their seat with the fear of sacrificing everything in order to protect their last remaining life points. How can you say a card is overpowered when it isn't even considered a staple in a single competitive deck? Compare him to some of the other Mythics. May 30, 2019 - Explore Amanda Aggers's board "Mtg" on Pinterest. I do think some people may have answered this question, but aside from. Yup, now that Jace and Stoneforge are gone, it has no competition, Yes, and it has been that way since it's release. Historic Anthology 3 will be released on May 21, bringing 27 cards to the Historic format, including Phyrexian Obliterator and Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger. A 5/5 unblockable for 4 is pretty busted. Before he ever hits the board, your hand will be Duress'd, IoK'd, Mind Sludge'd, and Surgical Extraction'ed multiple times, Seriously the poster above me has it 100% right. It most certainly will not be the reason *why* MBC could revive, but it might tag along if another card like arena or tutors or so on make it possible. This era of incredibly powerful removal persisted until relatively recently. Those of you saying that it's not overpowered because it has lots of removal against it are COMPLETELY missing the point. © 2021 MagicFind, Inc. All rights reserved. It's kind of another moment when we throw our hands up and go "DAMMIT universe, why you gotta always make me look bad in front of everyone?". Bodyguard feels like a better observant: it gives a higher perception bonus (since the proficiency minimum is 2) and more combat options while observant gives a reading lips ability (out of combat flavor text basically) and +1 wis/int, which is pretty minor. Even if monoblack becomes popular because it gets other good cards, Phyrexian Obliterator won't be the star of the deck. Even if monoblack becomes popular because it gets other good cards, Phyrexian Obliterator won't be the star of the deck. Looking at it based on it's own merits, it is probably the most powerful card in standard. This is my adaptation of a Karador, Ghost Chieftain EDH with emphasis on stax effects for the main win condition. © 2021 MagicFind, Inc. All rights reserved. I'll continue to say my feelings on overpowered card. TCGPlayer $12007.11 - 22244.55 . My first pick would be Phyrexian Obliterator, because I love it but also because it fits black devotion incredibly well and is also referred to in Elspeth's nightmare. I think he'd be broken if his mana cost was like 2 BB however since it's BBBB it's pretty whack. Dismember = Sad Obliterator. The argument is without merit, however, as the banned list is designed to serve us players, to ensure the game stays fun. Other than that I would really like: - Land tax and scroll rack, because white needs some love in the non weenie department. he is very powerful to be sure, just not the most powerful in standard by a long shot. The day you realize you too, can triforce! In addition, Phyrexian Obliterator isn't the only creature you can use for this. His casting cost is a bit restrictive, don't you think? If you do end up blocking it with something, you're saccing your own stuff and will pretty much get buried by virtual CA and land screw. /mtgag/ - Magic: the Gathering Arena General - "/vg/ - Video Game Generals" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of PC and console video games. As for flavor, didn't Xenagos use the illusion of a [[phyrexian obliterator]] to trick Daxos into killing elsbeth? Up Votes are appreciated if you liked the deck! Li Meng played Phyrexian Obliterator alongside other Swamp-loving all-stars to a Top 8 finish at Chinese Nationals in 2011. See more ideas about magic the gathering, the gathering, magic the gathering cards. Ads by Fandom. Just from that set you've got Elesh Norn (-2/-2 to all opponents creatures, +2/+2 to all of yours), Batterskull (vigilance AND lifelink on a living equipment), Sheoldred, etc. It's ridiculously extreme mana efficiency for the power that it has. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Due to the Phyrexian Obliterator’s casting cost of four black mana (BBBB) the player looking to use this card must devote more of their deck around this mana curve.