You will probably end up on the first page of the search results and get free visitors from search engines. For example, 6. Passive income for engineering programming. Now that you have a domain name, the next step is to get a server. Course available for 2 days Let me release the cat from the bag. Links pointing towards these affiliates may be used for the purpose of earning a commission. Welcome to a guide and sharing on how to make a passive income with a programming blog. Course explains what is passive income and how … They will take whatever remaining balance you have, and you just have to top up. But nope, I shall recommend one more layer of security – Cloudflare. But once you have conquered it – Things get easier. Unlike … Monetizing a brand new blog can be very difficult, as many companies will rather work with the established ones. Just some technical stuff that we eat for breakfast. The notion of Passive Income Program is to allow you to create a system, whereby your system is generating you money without you being physically involved in the cash creation, hence, Passive Income. You can technically lease a line from the ISP and set your own server at home… But we are not going to go hardcore here. Your email address will not be published. Blogs can only go so far. Of course, include your chosen keyword in the title. Is it not interesting? Thank you for reading, and we have come to the end of this guide. When is a good time to monetize your blog? Over many months, Code Boxx actually gained quite a lot backlinks naturally and passively. Some domain names sound cool (like or, but that is going to cost a bomb to register. Since you're already busy with your everyday life, you want to find passive income that truly works while you sleep, play, or socialize, or whatever you want to be doing with your time. Now, some hosting companies will “make it convenient” and offer to give you a “free domain name” when you sign up. Our passive income program is designed to teach you five different ways to create passive income online as quickly as possible. Try to include words that are relevant to programming (good to have, not a must). This is a massive claim. You record it once and then it is easily distributable forever. I was also in the same situation until I decided enough is enough. It's for programmers who want to earn some additional money creating passive income streams to improve their live. Try to keep the post title under 60 characters. Switching the nameservers will take a while, up to 24 hours at times. That is not the way, and a perfectly good blog will get hit with penalties instead. Every passive income options is described together with required steps to create passive income … What is stopping me from creating a system that will make money by itself passively? If your goal is to earn real passive income, Fundrise is the app for you. Some people may think – If I link to other blogs and websites, I will lose readers. But be warned: It won’t be much … Flipping Items on Craigslist. Basically, you find good deals on products at brick and mortar stores or online and resell them on Amazon for a higher price. There will need to be a lot of upfront marketing before you can turn this into a passive income stream. Then just append alphabets behind – “How to Python a”, “How to Python b”, all the way to “How to Python z”. Practice how to find topics, how to find easy keywords to win. Passive Income Information. It’s for programmers who want to earn some additional money creating passive income streams to improve their live. Description Course explains how to create passive income as a programmer. One of the ways I do is to search for the topic itself and guesstimate the difficulty: A lot of the “SEO gurus” out there will recommend using various SEO keyword research tools. You probably already have a lot of the skills required to build a passive income stream online by programming (most of us non-programmers often have to outsource this out to others) 2. Just like any good business, the sensible thing for mature blogs to do is to branch out – To do podcasts, YouTube videos, memberships, and all kinds of funky stuff. The best part – These are actual terms that people search for, and why search engines auto-suggest them. Finxter is at the intersection of programming, business, and productivity so we get this question a lot. If not, it will take them ages to find your website. But if you manage the domain name by yourself – You will have to freedom to switch whenever you like, to whoever you like. While Current is one of the newer apps for passive income, this music-streaming platform claims you can earn $600 per year just for listening to music. To self-publish a book you’ll first need to write and edit it, create a cover, and then upload to a program such as Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. Course explains how to create passive income as a programmer. How to monetize the blog? Passive income is defined as income-generating activity that is independent or loosely dependent on time commitment. Here’s my super-duper top secret – I don’t deliberately build any backlinks at all. That’s all you need. Bluehost should automatically generate a free SSL cert for your blog. Just sign up for a simple shared hosting package and pay a few bucks every month. Don’t “pad” the contents by writing more confusing and useless stuff. Moosend’s affiliate program will get you one step closer to a smarter passive income with its lifetime recurring commission. Ever notice that search engines will try to predict and auto-complete your search query? Are you not entertained!? Very easy to do: The whole idea of keyword research is not only to look for topics to write about, but also to harvest the low hanging fruits. I downloaded this passive income app and make around $50-100 passive income, it’s a legit app. Just one last small step – Register your blog with the search engines. Seeking Advice/Help. A second job, for example, isn't passive. If you spend 10 days every month just to do all these spamming, why not spend 10 days to create more good content? For example, if you type “how to python”, the suggestions will probably be “how to install python” and “how to script in python”. To make things worse, there are a ton of different methods if you search for “keyword research” online. In a year, you would have created a lot of good articles that rank well on search engines naturally. Share your stuff on all kinds of social media, see which one is the most effective. This is nothing more than a simplified point form of all the steps below if you decide to not read everything: The first step of the blogging journey is to set up the blog itself. If you are more of a visual and outgoing person, video content is the way to go (aren't all programmers outgoing?). The key being, have an easy to remember URL. Of course, code ninjas should be able to do it without any sweat. Udemy is an online platform that lets its user … Every month, you can earn 30% on every plan that your contacts purchase using your affiliate link. Course explains alternatives for passive income such as blog, tematic website, Udemy course, mobile app, eBook, custom library, software as a service and extensions for popular platforms. Theme – Astra or GeneratePress. Sure thing, an established blog can easily make thousands, but nobody can stay that way forever. Once complete, you should be able to manage the DNS entries in Cloudflare. Selling on Amazon (FBA program) This is definitely a form of passive income once you’ve done the initial work. That is what most search engines like to see and reward the most. It's for programmers who want to earn some additional money creating passive income streams to improve their live. We also participate in affiliate programs with Bluehost, ShareASale, Clickbank, and other sites. Code Boxx participates in the eBay Partner Network, an affiliate program designed for sites to earn commission fees by linking to I … A passive way to earn income is to sign up for credit cards that offer cash, or points, back. Passive income could be defined as ” income resulting from cash flow received on a regular basis, requiring minimal to no effort by the recipient to maintain it.” While there are a lot of different ways to make passive income, as a developer you have some exclusive ways. You can pretty much leave the blog be, and it will still be making passive income. But it has a tendency to throw some quirky problems when SSL is switched on for the first time. No worries if you want to upgrade a few years down the road, just contact the support. Course explains alternatives for passive income such as blog, tematic website, Udemy course, mobile app, eBook, custom library, software as a service and extensions for popular platforms. Above all, I have not seen a blog that does not make money when done right. All the other free blog services will probably freeze your account once you start making money off it. If the top 5 results are all on-point and from reputable websites, forget it. Your email address will not be published. The good news is that there are many ways that work done now can pay off for years or even decades to come. Bluehost is the hosting company – They provide you with a server. Pfft. Some of you code ninjas out there are probably still slogging with your full-time job, getting frustrated, and not earning a lot of money. Passive Income Program Digital Marketing Services About 777 Blog FAQs Schedule a Chat Three Sevens teaches and implements proven strategies and processes for passive income creation. I also enjoy creating graphic user interfaces so anyone can use the application even without knowing anything about code. Keyword research is actually nothing more than looking for interesting topics to write about – Easy topics that you can rank in the search engines. So a passive income idea that requires me to spend a lot of time learning about something new such as customer needs or software programming doesn’t strike me as passive… Probably write another few hundreds of blog posts… But with today’s technologies, things have changed a lot with the Internet. Even though it sounds scary, the plan is nothing much… Just knowing what needs to be done. Write your articles, promote your blog. Passive income from programming isn't exactly common. So instead of thinking about monetization, concentrate on becoming that “popular guy” first… Or at least get to the level of “I think I have heard of this guy”. As with the above example, “How to Python”. ShareASale has plenty of good reputable companies. Keep it simple and concise. With that, we have both the domain name and server. A couple of tips for choosing a good domain name: The rest of the registration process is very straightforward, just enter the domain that you want into the search box, and follow the instructions from there. The best ones to win – Topics that have top results from Yahoo Answers, Quora, Reddit, and random forums. Good luck and happy blogging! Just doing that will give you a ton of keyword and topic ideas to write about. Jessica from the Selling family made OVER … But there is more than meets the eye – Here are a couple of ninja things to do, to make the blog post interesting for both human readers and search engines. Not a single keyword research tool can guarantee a 100% success rate. 13. Read on to find out! But no, I am not going to be a crooked marketer here and sell a “very easy $2000 sure win blogging course” – Get rich quick does not exist. Some of you code ninjas out there are probably still slogging with your full-time job, getting frustrated, and not earning a lot of money. Definition: You create a software product or website once and earn passive income for years. While it is attempted to present correct information, it may not be appropriate given your specific circumstances and/or the information may become outdated. Not until your blog is also famous enough. The baseline, keyword research tools do help to save some time, but you need to have a basic idea of how to fish first. As you can see, making money online with a blog is really not that rosy picture as some crooked marketers paint. They will use the domain name as a hostage to bind you to their hosting services. So, you are technically transacting time for money, in a way. There is still plenty of stuff to do in WordPress itself. With the keywords and topics on hand, the next step is to write the blog posts itself. Affiliate Marketing and AdvertisingSometimes, people wish to stoke their entrepreneurial … This is something most of us are all too familiar with and something that can be hard to scale, as you basically need to trade more of your time to make more money. What makes the program a must, though, is that you also earn additional affiliate commissions when your contacts upgrade. Required fields are marked *. Include images and videos. Anything longer than that will likely be truncated on the search results. Fundrise. The question is, how does Current work and does it … Go to Google, Bing, Yahoo, YouTube, or even Yandex. Be warned, it is going to be a long post. Niche Selection. Ship them to Amazon and THEY ship the products to your customers and handle the customer service! The key to winning readers and search engines – Good, solid, and helpful content. That’s all for this guide, and here is a small section on some extras and links that may be useful to you. Contact Bluehost support if you are facing WordPress SSL hissy fits. Well, technically yes. Adopt the leftward rule, try to keep the keyword to the left of the title as much as possible. That is, if you find a topic that is not answered correctly, or not a lot of people have answered – Then go for it. Nope, we are not done again. Just so we’re on the same page, here, there’s no such thing as making money without creating value (I wish), and creating value takes time and effort. Cloudflare > SSL/TLS > Full. If you want to dig deeper, append/prepend “who, where, why, when, which, with, without, how, do, can, tips, hacks, lists, basic, advanced” to your chosen search topic. So some poor sods took that too literally and went about a rampage of spamming: Please don’t. It’s not the Stone Age anymore. Every day, billions of people go to work to earn an active income, trading their time for money. Problem is, it is often difficult to tell if a keyword is easy or difficult to rank. Yep, keyword research sounds like some kind of very difficult mythical process at first. It is pretty much just like a mini publishing business. Some people can run a blog shop from the start, did their marketing right, and easily hit tens of thousands a month. The first passive income idea on this list does take some start-up cash, but it absolutely helps … We’ll also be comparing to our #1 recommendation which is virtual real estate business where you build simple virtual lead generation properties and you rent it out to small business owners so that they can get more … Sign in to your Cloudflare account > Add your website > DNS > Scroll down and take note of your Cloudflare nameservers. Tai Lopez – Passive Income Real Estate Program Today we’ll be taking a look at Tai Lopez’s real estate course and we’ll see if its worth the investment or not. Their search volume and difficulty rating is based on calculations that a programmer put in, based on data that might be outdated. First thing, find and register a domain name. A second job, for example, isn't passive. Programming, code, coding, app, hack, script. Well I must say that you are certainly in a good position to start making some passive income for two different reasons, these being; 1. A few others struggle in a “dead niche” that is really difficult to monetize. You have to think of good topics consistently, write well, know your audience, promote your own business, work with partners, and so much more. Create a Course on Udemy. The starting phase is a steep learning curve, and this is where many fail. Yep, you “make money online gurus” can laugh and say “making money since day one”. Start with a base keyword. Here are the themes and plugins that I will recommend: Don’t have to follow along, just a recommendation. Declutter long posts. Personally, the fastest that I started a blog from scratch to the first dollar off the Internet – 6 months. If there are Youtube videos – Not so bad, but be prepared that you might get less. I would say, have a bare minimum of 3,000 page views a month (100 a day) first before even trying to monetize. Back in Namecheap > Your Account > Dashboard > YOUR-WEBSITE.COM > Manage. Week 1 - Building The Foundation . A mobile app is probably the best chance a programmer has to actually earn a passive income, but of course you have to have a combination of a good app idea, good design and execution, good … That point is this: passive income requires massive up-front work or massive up-front investment. There are paid tiers in Cloudflare but starting with a free account is good enough. If you have not heard of them, they basically help to cache some of your images, offer a free firewall, and other services. Our coaching platform teaches people how to create income … Listed below, are the top Bitcoin Income Programs and Bitcoin Income Systems we recommend that you use. The only thing I did for Code Boxx is to create genuinely useful cheat sheets and infographics, share them on Pinterest. Course explains what is passive income and how were passive income options influenced by internet. Your email address will not be published. Welcome to a guide and sharing on how to make a passive income with a programming blog. Same – If there are recommended products, people are probably looking to buy products instead. It could be hard to score. Learn More. A rather mature “boring” programming blog will probably make a few hundred to thousand dollars a month. Course explains what is passive income and how were passive income options influenced by internet. This works way better than just random spamming. You decide for yourself if it is worth the effort. I’ve spent 100s of hours thinking about all sorts of crazy ideas for making passive income online.. From the smart ideas like an online course to the dress-me-in-the-white-jacket ideas like writing articles for adsense, I’ve thought about pretty much every passive income stream there is.. During this time the one thing I wanted more than anything else, was a big fat epic list of … But please do create the following “boring pages”: These may seem to be “useless” at first, but search engines do give brownie points if you have them. Once you have published a piece of content, the next sensible thing will be to promote it and drive some readers…. If there are a lot of paid results (ads) – It is probably a very valuable keyword and virtually impossible to score for newbies. Log into Bluehost > Advanced > Take note of the shared IP address. E.g. So over years of struggling and trying out a load of different things, I finally figured to dumb things down. We created a list of cash-back cards that offer sign-up bonuses — and are free of fees. How To Plan a Coding Project — A Programming Outline, Become a Professional Full Stack Web Developer in 2020. (Fast lightweight themes). In the Alphabet Soup method, we “abuse” the auto-complete to find topics and keywords to write about. Creating a blog is as easy as signing up for a free blog website and start writing some random stuff. Funnel Setup . The problem is that most supposed passive income ideas that you'll find are not passive at all. #1: Dividend paying stocks and other investments. The more relevant and useful links you provide, the better it scores. But that does not work for professional blogging, we are going to need a plan before we start. If you are not convinced – My advice is, think. You don’t really have to do anything other than initially registering your computer or phone. But here is how a technical guy did in a realistic timeframe. Yep, some of you guys may have heard, or will eventually hear – Backlinks from other websites will help your blog posts to rank better, help your blog to grow. That is when you decide to switch to another hosting company, they will slap a support fee, transfer fee, admin fee, cancellation fee, and whatever else to stop you from switching. I hope that it has helped you to better understand, and if you want to share anything with this guide, please feel free to comment below. All that’s left is to point the domain name to the IP address of the server. I would say the earliest opportunity is when you have 20-30 solid articles, plus a trickle of organic traffic. They seem to be the only one that is rather open with monetization options and has Adsense “built-in”. E.g. Blogs are only the first step. Caveat: Passive income isn’t free money. getty. Websites that are not .com will also rank in search engines just fine – .ninja, .blog, .site, etc…. If you are still confused as to who does what, here is a summary: Nope, we are not done yet. There are essentially two types of income people can make; active income or passive income. As a beginner, you need practice. What should I write about? The best part about video content is that it is re-usable. The Big Book of Widgets is a collection of many HTML CSS JS widgets. Please note that The Code Bytes has financial relationships with the certain affiliate program, merchants and companies. You can do one, the other, or a combination of both to create passive income but there’s no way of building it without that work. Sign up with Blogger – Run by Google. Generally, the purpose of this site is to provide Passive Income Ideas, thus allowing you to make more informed decision.Therefore, we only review and supply information on different Passive Income Streams, Bitcoin Income Programs and Cryptocurrency Income Systems which we honestly believe is genuine and trustworthy. Bluehost is one that I have stuck with for years, and they offer a very friendly price for beginners: Kind of honest note – They will only give a better rate when you sign up for 2-3 years at once. Aim for at least 1000 words, include a lot of relevant information that will help your readers. Wanna know how to make passive income as a developer? If it is a post about coding hacks, “6 Super Duper Smart Ninja Coding Hacks” is not going to be a good title – People cannot understand the contents in one glance. Scroll down to the “nameservers” section > Change to “Custom DNS” > Copy-paste the Cloudflare nameservers here. There are quite a lot of registrars out there, but one that I stick with is Namecheap – They seem to offer a slightly better registration rate than the rest. We are compensated for referring traffic. Namecheap is the domain registrar – You register the website address with them. Hi all, I have a background in mechanical engineering and really enjoy using programming languages like MATLAB and Python to create applications that solve engineering problems. For example, by the end of this guide, you should have a good idea of how to create a blog and run it. Introducing – Keyword research to solve the woes. Designing the digital customer … Every passive income options is described together with required steps to create passive income … I have the technical skills, knowledge, experience, and developed multi-million dollar web applications. Contrary to that, don’t be afraid to link to useful pages and resources. Course provide also tips and recommendation which tools to use, to get results effectively. A free and most “beginner-friendly” keyword research method that I found is the “Alphabet Soup” method.