"Everything's troublesome to you. Naruto takes an extra moment, but with a squinty-eyed burst of determination, launches himself in the air, cracking concrete beneath his feet as a result. Many people pass them by and greet chichiue with deferential bows, some even exchanging words with him. Please consider turning it on! "said Kakashi with a smile. Like, really old. We'd be super strong in the future! Maybe one day I can be strong like him too. He doesn't talk to people much. But he knows that going alone would set a bad image for the clan to the rest of the village, showing as if their family isn't united as a single entity, and Sasuke does not want to be responsible for something so shameful as that. Past the eaves of the Uchiha gates, chichiue's easy composure tightens up into guard. ", Naruto's eyes grow wide, and somehow, Sasuke has managed to briefly silence him. Sasuke doesn't really know what they do, but they always seem so soberly occupied. Behind them, the mountain is covered with more forest almost entirely restricted from civilians because within are secret training grounds, bunkers, and facilities meant for Konoha's active shinobi. Check out below real fun manga Naruto trivia questions and answers quiz game and put your thinking hat on right now to start the never-ending quiz game fun. Be prepared to suspend your disbelief; this will be another one of my long-running intense worldbuilding AUs. "Hn! 11. shikamaru: distrust I guess best weapons are bombs and tags 'cause they're fun. Sasuke has two full packs of kunai, a dagger hidden in each leg, a full pack of shuriken, different lengths of senbon, and a ninjatou strapped to his back. "That's… wow. Remember when you were taught how to channel your chakra into your hands when you were forming hand seals?" Sasuke wonders if Naruto's parents were shinobi too. “You said they broke you up this year!”, "Hokage and top jounin who are qualified to take genin, plus the Intelligence CO and the Logistics CO. Every year they have this meeting where they line up all the genin who passed the final exams and decide how to shuffle 'em into teams, match 'em with a sensei, that sort of thing. 6. orochimaru: expectations "I will see how you work with each other later, but as of now, we are at a good start." I don't know about insane. He knows that graduating with the highest grades is not much, not when compared to aniki. He's not the only orphan; many children live at the orphanage too, one of Konoha's busiest blocks, full of children of different ages always playing on the streets. Didja eat lunch already? 9. sasuke: trust At once, Sasuke is struck with the realization that he is standing before someone who is really, truly strong. Their sensei fluidly sits down as well, cross-legged and casual as you please, leaning an elbow on a knee as he regards them. "Okaa-san made some pickled radish and grilled fish. "Nara Shikamaru; age eleven, 152cm, 39kg; best subject is tactics, worst at taijutsu; I prefer shuriken and senbon; I don't care much for kunai; I would like to be meeting your expectations at six months, promote to chuunin in one year, and maybe jounin in three years if you let me live that long.". He receives the commencement scroll with a bow—don't tear it open yet, don't tear it open—and goes before the Hokage to receive his blessing. I mean, I know everyone, but I don't really know everyone. Naruto retorts. Hastily, they stuff their weapons back into the appropriate places. He points to Naruto: "Mid-range fighter." "But they broke you guys up this year. 5. sasuke: believe Took a while but that's okay!". You know that would make the rounds. It's a funny thought though. In my years of experience, I have developed numerous specialities; suffice it to say that I am more than capable of leveling a battlefield should I be so inclined, and therefore more than qualified to handle you. Sasuke wonders if one day maybe he'll be worthy enough to wear something like that too. Sasuke scowls. One by one, the children are called by name to come forward with their parents to receive their commencement scroll. Want to know where your donations are going? I mean, most insane people also think their actions are perfectly reasonable. At first the Interviewers tell him to stop exaggerating things with his henge's, only for Sakura and Sasuke to tell them... no he's totally accurate. Sasuke suppresses a proud grin, but ends up wearing a flushed smile nonetheless. "That's 'cause he's a Nara," Sasuke points out. "A good team," sensei tells them, "is a balanced team, where the members' skills are not all the same, but instead complement each other. "I don't really know how to explain, I mean, what do you wanna know? ", Sasuke puffs up a little bit, even though he has nothing to do with how many of them there are. When they test us on paper, I mean. A NOTE ON THE TIMELINE: Rookie Nine (Naruto & co.) are age 11 upon graduation. "Good-bye Sasuke-kun. What you intended: "Find something you enjoy doing before you drive yourself insane. A jounin greets chichiue before they can find their spots, someone who looks like a Nara, with a high spiky ponytail like Shikamaru's. "Na, na, Shikamaru, who's our jounin sensei? ", Naruto snorts. "I stayed over and learned from the books in the Archives! They're so loud and, and, and carefree. "Ah, Sasuke-kun," the Hokage smiles down upon him, "well done.". I don't know everything.". On commencement day, Sasuke is not alone. "They make us memorize the family tree when we're really young. He would be outnumbered, and by the by, he's never taken well to Neji. Five onigiri, one or two to save for later if he gets hungry again, with tuna and tomatoes inside; omelets too, with katsuobushi on top; sliced strawberries and two oranges. Whatsit like being in a big clan?" Sasuke doesn't know about that; he's pretty sure aniki's team is pretty strong... "I guess you were thinking the same as me, I didn't wanna be late, 'ttebayo, but I didn't get to grab lunch like you did! "We're the biggest clan in Konoha, the Uchiha. (Admittedly, this is also a very pointed response to my dislike of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, but that's neither here nor there; this fic is a canon divergence AU, after all. I am Orochimaru.” Shikamaru's eyes widen. ", Naruto claps him on the shoulder. The corner of their nameless sensei’s eyes crinkle ever-so-slightly—surely a good sign. It tends to feel like pointless padding. He does not want chichiue to be angry with him for any reason. ", "Na, na, wouldn't it be super duper cool if the Hokage was our sensei? 26. war games, part 2 But when you look at what she's doing from HER perspective, this is actually all pretty damn reasonable. Sasuke frowns. Kakashi offered suddenly. They are mostly shinobi, accustomed to obedience and discipline, so the ceremony proceeds smoothly. [ A gradual exploration of the author's very liberal Naruto headcanon, with a good!Orochimaru (well, sorta good) who eventually becomes the Godaime Hokage. "Na, na, Sasuke, don'cha come from like a big clan? 1. sasuke: commencement But that's gonna take you a long time, and you'll be old by then, 'cause the Hokage's old. When Uzumaki Naruto stumbles laughingly towards the front, he does so alone, but his grin is so wide and bright that it makes Sasuke want to grin too. 24. shikamaru: lessons Sasuke holds on to the back of the ledge with one hand and grabs Naruto's shoulder with the other. "I guess. ", "Now that you talk about it, I wonder how long he trained and trained to become Hokage," Naruto wonders. Actually, that might be an interesting way to show Naruto's observational skills. Then it would look like they're late, and wouldn't that be a terrible first impression. There's no way I can remember a hundred and eighty six cousins! Please have Naruto use his shadowclones to tell the whole story with them henge-ing into the relevant people. At the end of it, after the Head Instructor's signature and the Hokage's official seal, it says: Team Seven I mean, it's okay if you don't want some. 29. sasuke: questions "Don't be jealous Sasuke I will train you for the third exam and you will be faster. ", "We ate lunch and talked about a buncha stuff!" With uncertain feet, they follow, leaping away towards and above Hokage mountain, where Ground 5 sits at the edge of Konoha’s lush forests. Sasuke waves at Teyaki-jii and Uruchi-baa, who wave back and congratulate him. 3. naruto: hunger Thass a lot, 'ttebayo! ...I don't know if I'm failing to read tone over the internet or I failed to put enough in my post but that was friendly sarcasm on my part. The Nara jounin turns to him and smiles kindly, "Well done, Sasuke-kun," to which Sasuke responds with a flustered, "Thank you very much.” He bows. ", Why would I mind? AFAIR her chakra pool is relatively small, so great nin-specialist is off the table, great CQC specialist is also not very probable (she is neither Rock Lee nor Hyuga Neji). left kudos on this work! "That's nice, having someone checking on you. No; he'll just have to hope and pray to the spirit of the Sage that the ceremony is quick. After all, I did kill three members. In it is designated their team assignments as new genin. In fact, Sasuke's never sure what to say in any kind of situation that involves other people who are not his clan. "No? Tenzo certainly helped a lot when Pain craterized Konoha, and he's nothing in comparison to Hashirama. Like once a month. 47 Nohvarr. That means I will run this team the same way I have run my squadrons in the past: without cutting corners, without excuses, and without mercy. (See the end of the work for more notes.). Neji walks forward accompanied by a stern-looking, tall Hyuuga with very long hair much like Neji's and wearing a robe much like chichiue's, except with the Hyuuga mon embroidered on the back. Sasuke looks at him—Naruto, who is clumsy and loud and kinda short, who only barely manages to pass their exams, who always comes to school with a smile even though Sasuke knows he's got no one waiting for him at home—and can't help but be impressed. He musta known my parents before they died. By now he knows this as fact, and it doesn't stop him from working hard, very hard, so that he, too, can bring honor to his clan and his village. In practice, at least? They just write and then pass it on. ", "’Cause everything is," Shikamaru agrees. They take different forms, admittedly, but someone has to make decisions when the Kage's out of commission or determine who gets to wear the fancy hat if the old one didn't nominate a successor. He almost hits Sasuke in the face. Their sensei is very tall, with a fall of long black hair and very pale skin. ", "I-I mean," Sasuke flounders again, "otou-sama's very busy as Clan Head and jounin, and, well, okaa-san's now a tokujo again, so she's really busy too, and aniki is also a jounin, he takes a lot of missions outside of the village because they know he's strong...", Naruto frowns. She could be good at many things, she can be GREAT at being a medic. 8. naruto: doubt Tsunade stared. "I know you'll become a great shinobi one day. He just smiles in response and works on his own onigiri, figuring that Naruto will tell him later when they're done eating. "D'you have lotsa cousins and stuff? In hindsight I'd feel sorry for them, how does one comfort their new boss on a failed romance? Guess what is equally entertaining? Judging from the fact Anko can still use the snake summons, I'd bet that some of them are more loyal to her than they are to Orochimaru. 7. shikamaru: whirlpools The ceremony should be concluding soon. He's never talked with them much, his classmates, preferring to keep to himself because, to be honest, all the other children intimidate him. ... Then you meet Sasuke post timeskip to find he's become that guy who fights with slicing soundwaves . Huh? The analyst. Naruto declares, throwing his arms out to signify a wide breadth of knowledge. As they settle in to wait, Sasuke wonders why he never stayed to talk with his classmates before, because talking with Naruto has been the most fun he's had since aniki left the house. 2. orochimaru: chance Underneath the yukata, a full black outfit, pants longer than regulation and black sandals secured to both legs with bandages, surely to hide more weapons. Sasuke would be so busy with all that he wouldn't have time to obsess on Itachi. Don't question it, just ride with it! "Here is your first lesson. His exact age when he became Hokage is unknown. "Wow, so you know him well," Sasuke wonders. They remain silent, not knowing what to say. "We expect nothing less," chichiue agrees quietly. strong!team. He's never gathered the courage or had the reason to ask. Keep healthy and pick up a hobby or something. "Congratulations. ", "Well, yeah," Sasuke snorts. This is it, he thinks to himself. There's none left for later, but that's alright; Sasuke can stop at Teyaki-jii's and get some senbei like he had planned, and then eat dinner at home. Sasuke hangs back and lets them have their conversation because it's the polite thing to do.