15 - CW - The Story of Medusa and Athena.docx 15 - CW - Astrology Myth.docx 15 - CW - The Illiad Part 2.docx 15 - DO NOW - Medusa - Getting ready to write.docx 15 - CW - The Story of Medusa and Athena.docx Perseus, in Greek mythology, the slayer of the Gorgon Medusa and the rescuer of Andromeda from a sea monster. He took his mother to where the emperor lived and told her to get behind Percy asks the moral and Hermes just says that a story doesn't need a moral to be good does life have a moral They say that the moral is stealing isn't always bad which isn't much of moral … A story with a moral is typically called a fable. If Perseus was the son of Zeus and Danae, the daughter of Acrisius of Argos. Like Medusa, the accusers have found themselves ostracised and unable to escape the pain of living through those traumatising events all over again. The Moral of the Story As King Polydectes ordered the near-impossible task that Perseus bring him the head of Medusa, Perseus dedicated himself to fulfilling the demand to save his mother. Standing in Florence’s Loggia dei Lanzi of the famous Piazza della Signoria in Florence, rich with some of the world’s most famous sculptures by Renaissance masters, including … We can imagine that Medusa became lonely and sad. This story isn’t new. Medusa was cne cf the mast beautiful wemen in Greece. All the same, the story is clever, well-told and has a great little moral at the end. Percius soon found medusa. Medusa waited for Poseidon to come back and reverse the curse, but he never did. Read the story, and find out for urselves u lazy arses What kind of sentence is this 'My favorite myth is about Medusa'? But the swimsuit issue, with its airbrushed and, I presume, photoshopped But the myth of Medusa ignores that none of this is her fault. Benvenuto Cellini’s Perseus and the Head of Medusa is a sculpture that is commonly overlooked. Medusa lived in the city of Athens in a country named Greece—and although there were many pretty girls in the city, Medusa was considered the most lovely. Perseus and the Medusa - A Myth with a Moral Many of the ancient Myth Stories, like the legend of Perseus and the Medusa, incorporate tales with morals that provided the old story-tellers with short examples of exciting tales for kids and children of how to act and behave and reflected important life lessons. She was born on an island named Sarpedon – which is thought to be somewhere in the general area of Cisthene – and was known to have been one of the Gorgon sisters. Like the mythology and Dr. Ford’s testimony, such stories are common in our past and present. he found her by looking at the reflection on the mirror. Medusa was one of the three Gorgons, daughters of Phorcys and Ceto, sisters of the Graeae, Echidna, and Ladon – all dreadful and fearsome beasts. As the son of Zeus, Perseus had help from the gods during his journey to find Medusa . 1 The story of Medusa and the Greek goddess Athena A myth submitted to the site by Shainuja Many years ago there was a beautiful women called Medusa. There are … Medusa Story in Detail As an educator and counselor, I often use tales from classic Greek Mythology as a way of relating common themes that speak to the human condition. The earliest known record about the story of Medusa and the Gorgons can be found in Hesiod’s Theogony.. He was, alongside Cadmus and Bellerophon, the greatest Greek hero and slayer of monsters before the days of Heracles. Rabun Taylor has argued that the encounter with Medusa represents an unbearable encounter with unmediated reality (The Moral Mirror of Roman Art, 195). Perseus and Medusa themes. Medusa turned so many of her visitors to stone that she created a whole garden of them. The most famous story with Medusa is where she meets the hero son of Zeus, Perseus. Very, very cute, with wonderful pencil drawings that help bring the story to life. The Moral of the Story As King Polydectes ordered the near-impossible task that Perseus bring him the head of Medusa, Perseus dedicated himself to fulfilling the demand to save his mother. The Story of Medusa and Athena Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived a beautiful maiden named Medusa. It's a little bizarre to read about Medusa, Chiron and Minotaur helping the same beings who, mythologically-speaking, destroy them in adulthood. Sometimes you have to search hard for the moral but as long as there is a moral … Analysis of Perseus and Medusa themes by PhD students from Stanford, Harvard, Berkeley Perseus may hack Medusa's head off with a sword, but in most cases his success comes from quick, clever One of my favorites is the Medusa story, sometimes referred to as “Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa”. Medusa was the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto (though some sources claim Gorgon is her father). Today we look at one of the most misunderstood characters in Greek mythology, Medusa. The story of Medusa and the Greek goddess Athena. He cut off her head and carefully placed it in his special, leather pouch. A beautiful mortal, Medusa was the exception in the family, until she incurred the wrath of Athena, either due to her boastfulness or because of an ill-fated love affair with Poseidon. DESCRIBING THE MORAL I strongly believe that one of the morals of the story above include what "Goes around comes around." The moral of the story is that the gods were capricious, mean-spirited and extremely vain and selfish. But also increasingly, in part because of some of the stuff that you're referencing — occasionally it's like holding a Medusa in my hand. A man whose high moral tone we came to know rather too well over the years when he was Deputy Prime Minister in the Tory-led coalition. Learn more about the traditional story of Perseus in this article. The myth of Perseus and Medusa is one of the best thriller-like tales in Greek Mythology. In fact it could be the most regularly overlooked work of art in the world. With a promising plot that gets more complicated as the story progresses, this myth has a typical Hollywood-like scenario with In Greek mythology, Perseus (/ˈpɜːrsiəs, -sjuːs/; Greek: Περσεύς) is the legendary founder of Mycenae and of the Perseid dynasty. Story of Medusa. The only son of Zeus and Danae – and, thus, a half-god by birth – Perseus was one of the greatest heroes in Greek mythology, most renowned for beheading the only mortal Gorgon, Medusa, and using her severed head (capable of turning onlookers into stone) as a mighty weapon in his subsequent adventures. Aesop's fables always contain a moral. This is because Medusa didn't treat people good, and because of this, she got karma back. She lived in a place called Athens in Greece. Unfortunately, Medusa was very proud of her beauty and thought or spoke of little else. Because cf this, she had many suiters trying win h moral of the story: don't with Athena. What is the moral to the story in the myth called Perseus and Medusa? In ancient Greek mythology, Medusa is the most famous of three monstrous sisters known as the Gorgons. As the son of Zeus, Perseus had help from the gods during his journey to find Medusa. The whole story of Perseus killing Medusa was driven by his special characteristic of having the spirit of not conceding. This Medusa lived in the city of Athens in a country named Greece -- and although there were many pretty girls in the city, Medusa was considered the most lovely. The Moral of Medusa It saddens me because she is always depicted in these horrific ways – a true monster, the Gorgon. She was a very kind and