Healthy plants usually take 2-3 days to recover from topping. Low Stress Training (LST) After topping (done twice in the scenario above – Fig 3b) there are four quality branches (or bud sites) growing vertically from what was originally the top node. Topping autoflowering cannabis plants usually is considered bad practice because autoflowers have a pre-set life cycle and the thinking goes that any stress will reduce the plant’s yield as it will have to recover from that high-stress training method instead of focusing all its energy on growth.. Excessive Training on Sick or Slow-Growing Plants. 2. As a result, it is possible to perform LST methods during the early stages of flowering. LST involves pulling these branches downwards (to horizontal) and outwards (i.e. I don't think either technique is particularly better on it's own, pros and cons. When a branch is first bent, growth will be slowed. When cannabis is left to grow on its own, it will produce one main cola. CBD and Pain Management Cannabis Oil [ February 17, 2021 ] GETTING CANNABIS PLANTS HUGE WITH LOW STRESS TRAINING AND TOPPING… Depending upon the species, the screen is normally mounted low enough (approx 1-1 ½ ft / 30-45cm) from the plant’s base so all the lower branches can grow up to the screen and gain access to direct light (Fig 5). Outdoors it's mainly for height control as the sun hits everywhere. Low Stress Training marijuana plants can increase your yield. It’s recommended that you start autoflowers in their final … 1. Since the very day the law was announced last summer I have been in a constant state of learning. To obtain higher yields, the most productive indoor growers manipulate their plants into a low, wide and flat canopy with multiple flowering sites at the ‘same’ vertical height. Sea of Green (SOG) vs Screen of Green (ScrOG) A great deal of confusion exists regarding the difference between Sea of Green (SOG) vs Screen of Green (ScrOG) methods of growing cannabis. Once these new branches grow out to 1 or 2 leaf sets (or nodes) they can be topped again (Fig 3a). However, purists regard topping as a separate preparatory step rather than part of LST which is simply the act of actually bending and manipulating stems. Many cannabis growers pinch or cut off the tops of their plants before commencing low-stress training work. By using low stress training you are training your cannabis plants with the least amount of stress. topping, FIMing, defoliation, Sea of Green, etc. High stress training vs low stress training cannabis High stress training involves cutting the upper leaves off (known as “topping”) so that the light can penetrate the lower leaves. The growth of lateral stems and their floral sites is a lot slower than the terminal bud. 7.) Personally I use all the above...which I believe is called mainlining. To obtain higher yields, the most productive indoor growers manipulate their plants into a low, wide and flat canopy with multiple flowering sites at the ‘same’ vertical height. The lower branches from the nodes ‘below’ where topping occurred are now also closer and more exposed to the light. Refer to step 2 of our LST guide below to find out when you should start topping. Adopt a method that is strong enough to support the plant during flowering and allows access to manage the growing plants, conduct cleaning and other maintenance: 1. ScrOG is the short term for Screen of Green. 1. Many growers are concerned that cutting the top off their young plants may slow their grow down, however, when done properly, topping is a critical method to fill the canopy faster and reduce vegetation times. Instead of one large central cola, topping and FIMing techniques promote multiple branches and bud sites that through low stress training fill the screen of the P SCROG with a bouquet of succulent dense flowers. Bending is definitely better than tipping if you want really fast production, fill in light spaces by bending to fill gaps, running small plants, I like high stress bending, i crush the stems and bend down, i use silica to set them. The stems and branches are gently manipulated and tied into place, creating a level canopy and dramatically changing the shape of the cannabis plant without causing it any stress. Some examples of plant training methods are low-stress training, main-lining, supercropping. If you use a screen to grow plants, … Low stress training (or LST) is an artistic growing technique comparable to bonsai. 2. Maintain a flat, level branch structure. See...the hub has to be off of 1 node for it to be an actual mainline. Training techniques are divided into two categories: Low Stress Training (LST) and High Stress Training (HST). Mainlining is something completely different then what you have going on there. As the plant grows, the growing tips need to be lowered back under the netting and directed into the next empty space in the screen. This channel and its content are intended for adults over the age of 21. As the plant grows the wires need to be tightened however ensure the main stem remains vertical. 1. I have so many tops, i dont have any room to create more and i never had to cut her to do it so the growth process was never touched. It depends on how serious you get with lst. Furthermore, fimming seems to effect the auxin distribution in marijuana even more profoundly than topping. Our product development capabilities are backed by over 50 years of experience as analytical chemists in horticulture and 25 years as hydroponic nutrient chemists. If I happen to do something correctly hopefully my pictures and descriptions can help others. I am in no way attempting to persuade that these methods are the best to use. Low Stress Training Techniques (LST) LST does not involve damaging your plant directly, they won’t have a big impact on your plant but you’ll have to perform training several times a week until reaching the desired result. How To Do Low Stress Training. **Disclaimer** This is my very first grow of all time! Also, avoid topping older, thicker growth as this takes longer to heal. The procedures and techniques I am using below may or may not be optimal. When to start and finish LST? Never top during flowering as it causes too much stress – which slows growth and inhibits yield. 1. Before I present what I consider to be some of the better "How to ScrOG" Guides, allow me to briefly define the difference between SOG and ScrOG. The holes in the grid or netting need to be at least 2×2” or 5x5cm. Low-Stress Training (LST) for Marijuana Plants. LST should be started as soon as possible during the vegetative phase. The whole idea of both is to get more buds up to the light and/or have a flat, even canopy that's best for indoor growing. Topping is the removal of the plants ‘top’ growth just above a node (fig 2). SCROG. The method known as LST involves gently bending over cannabis stems plants that are in veg mode … Topping is best done when the plant is very young (less than 2-3 weeks old) and has only 2-5 nodes in total. This ‘form’ can be achieved through a combination of “topping” followed by Low Stress Training (LST): There are 3 main schools of thought about what works best when it comes to training auto-flowering cannabis plants:. I've always topped my plants but I recently watched this video and I'm thinking of doing low-stress training. 3 Main Schools of Thought on Auto-Flower Training. It will then send energy into growing new buds and shoots, thus maximising output. Let me first start with topping. Only after mastering low stress training should you move on to any high stress training techniques like topping, pinching, mainlining or defoliation. Minimal adjustment is required after this point – apart from keeping shade away from key areas. Marijuana growing naturally will typically take on a Christmas tree structure; One dominant, main central cola and multiple sets of side branches. In most species, the terminal bud or branch dominates growth to form a Christmas tree shaped plant. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. For completely indoor and Fluorescent or LED light, the light is not as penetrating to the bottom of the plant. Oth… LST tends to take longer and involve more effort than its HST equivalent. Topping supports our quest to break apical dominance, and only needs to be done once. 2. Why do topping & LST impact the plant? This allows a larger proportion of your plant to bask in the “sweet zone” enjoying optimum light levels within a temperature range that is ideal for photosynthesis. [ February 17, 2021 ] Dry Herb Vaporizer vs Liquid Vaporizer | RESTART CBD CBD [ February 17, 2021 ] Daniel Sliva, DSTest Laboratories. Low Stress Training LST involves tying a plant stem down so it grows horizontally, rather than vertically. Topping; Topping involves cutting off the top of marijuana plants in between nodes so a little longer part is cut off compared to FIMing. LSTing definitely produces more shoots and growth than Natural growth, and is better than topping as there is no interruption to the flow of growth hormones. LST is the nuts and bolts of scrogging. Because there is some science to it. 2. Bending branches: Young growth is easier to bend than older growth. Analytical Chemists SINCE 1966 Some experienced growers will top up to 5 times (or more) to obtain 32 branches and can be well rewarded for their efforts. My current girl was grown horizontal, allowing every node to get as much light as its actual top from the very beginning. After topping (done twice in the scenario above – Fig 3b) there are four quality branches (or bud sites) growing vertically from what was originally the top node. A ScrOG, screen of green is a very good method indoors or out, with a variation. Branches can be held in place with wire that is anchored to screws in the pot, or some other structure. The plant also tends to grow bushier and shorter which is more suitable for indoor lighting. This weeks vlog we look at how to get cannabis plant huge by low stress training and topping. When topping is done, the marijuana plant produces or splits into two main colas which can be followed up with LST or low stress training … Well I have read up on it and with this plant made adaptations. There are different techniques that can expon… Pre-harvest P SCROG Topping - Cutting … All plant parts receiving a share of sunlightat som… Screen or netting:  A square or rectangular frame needs to be securely erected with either netting stretched over it or create a grid pattern using string woven through eyelets that are screwed into the frame. With the advantages of low stress training clear to see, it's time to explain how and when you should start training your cannabis plants. Used in conjunction with topping, it is a great way to encourage your plants to perform without punishing them with stress. While it may take more time to see results compared to high stress training, low stress training is still a highly effective (and the most common) way to take control of your plants. Things like topping, supercropping and extreme defoliation can all aggravate a sick plant and make it take longer to recover. 8 top Mainline, I'm done with training. What the fuck is ZSTing you may ask? Don’t take the risk of transplanting. Flowering phase can commence once all major branches are horizontal and level with each other. Topping is the easiest way to get many nodes in moderate uniform, then lst to somewhat control them during stretch. Low Stress Training: A Breakdown. There are many opinions circulating in the autoflower community as each grower … This is perhaps the most common HST or high stress training technique applied by both indoor and outdoor growers. 245C4DA5-F1A3-47F7-AA0F-6CF3AACD1DCB.jpeg, FA543406-0847-450D-BA3C-143671BAAC3D.jpeg, 58421A2F-11F7-44CC-A678-6AD24594A6E1.jpeg, 3AF7CF4F-2DA4-4142-99B0-9AE1DC36D5D2.jpeg,, Helios 1200w LED Grow Light (420w actual draw). I just turned 43 yesterday and have been waiting over 20 years to grow! If youre diligent enough, you can turn everything into a main cola without topping. It involves minor trimming of marijuana plants, along with manipulating branches so they’re supported by and grow through a horizontal screen. Fimming can be even more effective than topping for increasing the yield of cannabis plants. After topping, do not remove the leaves from that node as these are needed to power growth of the branches from that node. That plant is not mainlined. I have started ZSTing my plants. Vegetative growth will eventually stop when the plant is putting most of its energy into flowering. LST again once it grows another 3 inches or so. As these grow up they can be topped and manipulated using LST. This second round of topping will grow out to form four even-sized branches (potential bud sites – see fig 3b). A common form of LST would be de-leafing. Once topped, the two axillary buds immediately below the cut will then grow out into two new branches. LST can be. Now that I can legally grow 5 plants in Illinois with my medical card IT'S ON! Topping is the easiest way to get many nodes in moderate uniform, then lst to somewhat control them during stretch. You must log in or register to reply here. LSTing can result in broken plants, although I would think the borken plants is not "Low Stress Training". Test to see what is most productive. Plants that have been fimmed not only develop a greater number of tops but also branch more abundantly. “star” configuration) so that all four branches are spread apart from one another, horizontal and at the same height (Fig 4). JavaScript is disabled. Budding can be triggered by switching lights to 12-on, 12-off. The choice of training method may depend on your experience and preferences, but a good basic method to improve yields is known as “topping”. SOG - SOG is used to create … Helps with air flow and minimizes height for an indoor grow. I pinch and bend and top and train for flat bed of buds. Which you choose is based on your set up, time in veg, light. I incorporate both techniques on the same plant. Also some species/ strains are easier than others. This is not strictly necessary but can be useful as doing so can break the apical dominance of the marijuana plant, dividing the main cola, and creating a more symmetrical base of the plant for easier training. It can be beneficial to remove small, lower growth as this helps improve ventilation through the canopy and prevents infestations or infections due to foliage being in contact with soil. Consequently lower branches will catch up to those higher on the plant and yield more bud sites and more evenly sized fruits. Low stress training is a technique to provide as much light exposure a possible. LST should continue during early flowering as vegetative growth continues. Topping can be done more than twice however doing so will increase time in vegetative phase. A key element of this training technique lies plainly in its name; “low stress” is what separates this method from “high stress” techniques like topping. LST Autoflower (Low Stress Training) Low Stress T raining is one of four or five “tips and tricks” that, together, great ly increase yields. Nonetheless, it will boost your crop’s yield without subjecting it to unnecessary stress. Obviously, 4 main shoots are more than 2. When executed properly, manifolding is a technique that trains your cannabis to make better use of its grow space and distribute energy evenly throughout the plant - thus increasing yields. I don't think either technique is particularly better on it's own, pros and cons. No Training at All – Since autos only stay in the vegetative stage for a few weeks, if you stress your plant too much with extensive training, it may end up stunted.A stunted auto-flowering plant produces very low … Topping is effectively used to obtain multiple, even-sized floral sites. Foliage will re-orientate towards the light then eventually start to grow. High stress training however, is just that – it can be quite stressful to the plant. Now, let’s deal with the most hands-on and crucial aspect of scrogging — low stress training, commonly referred to as LST. Think I might FIM next time and see which I like better. Low Stress Training (LST) LST is a form of training whereby the topmost branch or tip of the plant – to which a plant will always direct most of its energy – is tied down, thus tricking the plant into thinking that its highest point has been removed. Training your plants, however, will allow for more even growth and produce more buds than just one large bud. Topping & LST disrupts a plant’s hormones (auxins) which triggers the plant to “prioritize” growth more evenly to all nodes. You should read on it. Low stress training. Do not top unhealthy plants. Topping or FIMing your cannabis plant is an essential ingredient to promote doubling or tripling yield when using the P SCROG. Buy Seeds; ... Start topping once the plant has 4-6 nodes, cutting it down to the 3rd node which allows for a more symmetric base. A few people have asked the benefit of LST (Low Stress Training) vs topping. This allows a larger proportion of your plant to bask in the “sweet zone” enjoying optimum light levels within a temperature range that is ideal for photosynthesis. When a cannabis plant is slow-growing or suffering from deficiencies, it is much more sensitive to stress from training. Training plants is something growers do to harvest more bud. Topping is a “high-stress” training technique which entails removing the top growth tip from the main stem or a branch. Gardening wire or landscape stakes: This method is effective during the early growth stages soon after topping. Now to discuss topping and pinching. And while this cola is apt to grow into a nice dense nug, it’s not going to give you the highest yield possible off that plant. It is merely my intention to post an accurate representation of what I did so that I can receive feedback from all you guys. LST is then used to bring these floral sites to the same height to maximize grow lamp efficiency. Topping is the process of pruning the growing tip of the main stem of a cannabis plant. Do not rush to get branches horizontal, do this in stages. My avatar is an outdoor mainlined plant. Lst to even out the canopy with multiple tops. LST involves pulling these branches downwards (to horizontal) and outwards (i.e. This Strawberry Amnesia just over 5 weeks. i also strip leaves,defoliate , all of the fan leaves with a stalk get removed, one of my current grows photo taken today ,10 days veg from seedlings , picture is 2 plants. The process of main-lining is essentially a combination of low-stress training (LST), topping and scrog (screen of green) training methods. The split and then the even amounts of shoots coming off of it is suppose to regulate the water and nute uptake evenly between all of the branches and colas. Whereas the latter technique involves cutting off the plant’s main growing tip in an effort to redistribute growth hormone, LST is much gentler.