An AVMA policy statement opposes ear cropping and tail docking of dogs “when done solely for cosmetic purposes” and encourages that the procedures be eliminated from breed standards. Docking a dog's tail for cosmetic reasons is now illegal, but there's a loophole for "working dogs" which risk injuring their tails while hunting. Even in countries and areas of jurisdiction where dog tail docking is illegal, there are numerous exceptions when tail docking may be permissible by law. PEI and Newfoundland have provincial legislation against tail docking, ear cropping, and most cosmetic surgeries. Tail Docking Laws. While not provincially banned, the veterinary associations in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Quebec have banned vets from performing cosmetic surgery on dogs, and in BC, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan they have banned ear cropping but not tail docking. About this content. However if the person who docked the dog's tail was a veterinary practitioner and was docking the tail in the interests of the dog's welfare then the person is not guilty of an offence under section 12. It is illegal in Pennsylvania to dock a dog’s tail if it is older … This refers to the practice of ear cropping, and tail docking. Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Manitoba have VMA member bans on ear cropping only. Routine tail docking is illegal under an EU directive, and banned under Italian law. When Tail Docking In Dogs May Be Legal. Dog tail docking is frowned upon, but it's still legal in USA and elsewhere. Other provinces that prohibit the practice include Manitoba and 19 states regulate tail docking in some form. Prince Edward Island (law in effect in 2016), Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan… Here's a science-based look at cons of tail docking in dogs and its results. Northern Territory: No Photograph: Tiziana Fabi/AFP/Getty Images. Cosmetic dog tail docking, much like ear cropping, is an elective surgery for dogs that certain breeds have to undergo soon after their birth.The practice of tail docking has been most common with breeds such as Dobermans, German Shorthaired Pointers and Schnauzers.. Dog tail docking is illegal in the UK, Australia and other parts of Europe but remains unregulated – albeit controversial – in most parts of the U.S. The surgery, also referred to as tail bobbing, involves removing the tail of the dog with surgical … Animals farmed is supported by. Maryland and Pennsylvania are the only states that have provisions restricting the tail docking of dogs. In recent weeks the ISPCA has taken possession of a number of litters of puppies while investigating separate allegations of illegal tail docking in different parts of the country. Ear cropping is prohibited in Australia, New Zealand and parts of Europe, according to the College of Veterinarians of British Columbia. Ear cropping in dogs Ear cropping is a cosmetic procedure whereby the ear flaps are vertically incised to … In between the fifth day and twelfth week, tail docking may only be performed by a licensed veterinarian and only if it is deemed medically necessary. Alberta joins New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Quebec in banning VMA members from performing tail docking & ear cropping. Section 12 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 (NSW) provides that a person shall not dock the tail of a dog.