Remind your small group often that worship's number one goal is to bless God, not bless us. Some of these activities will fit your group; others will not. Use these songs, prayers, responsive readings, and activities to help your group connect with God in a meaningful way. Creative ideas for individuals, small groups and congregations: Foundational. 1. Three Ideas for Prayer & Worship Here are some ideas to create an environment for prayer and worship in your weekly Life Group meetings. 4. Be creative. Please send your ideas here and I’ll post as many as we can so we can continue to creatively engage our communities. Prayer Alphabet Praise Prayer … UPDATE: I'll come up with the top ten list and post it by Tuesday in my blog with the ability for folks to digitally vote on their favorites. Small Group Worship Ideas Ways to celebrate God and surrender our lives to Him. Email with any further questions or permissions. This list is not exhaustive. Small Groups (26) Youth resources (1) Missional (11) Discipleship (7) Personal Growth (8) Timeless Classics (8) Special Offers (19) Music (sing, guitar, instrumental, CD, DVD’s – see SOV leader library, “Life Together” series). If any changes are made to the liturgy, [adapted by ____] must be included in the attribution. Praying together in small groups is great way to draw closer to God, both individually and as a community. Host Mid-Week Services for Groups in Your Church. Sing around a campfire (and roast marshmallows). Cycles and stimuli for forming a rhythm of prayer (which provide the framework for the Sanctuary's own rhythm of prayer and worship) ; Names and attributes of God to use in prayer 3. Nothing can be more uplifting and refreshing than sharing with a small group of others in your church. Have them share one of the following: In a small congregation, worshipers can hear one another, which allows for people to pray in their own voices. Worship Ideas for Small Groups Prayer Ideas for Small Groups Praying with Others . Organize service days. Small Groups-Bigger Kingdom £ 4.95; The Lost Generation £ 3.95; Developing Leaders - Training for small group leaders £ 6.50; 40 more Creative Worship Ideas for Small Groups £ 12.00; Product Categories. It is meant to serve as an idea starter for your group so you can come up with your own activities and plans for implementing them. 2. Let’s create together a list of creative ideas for online worship. Many parks and playgrounds are closed. Prayer –Ask the group to prepare and quiet their hearts before God. Our blessing is a by-product of worship. People could remain in their cars and listen on the radio while church leaders offered worship songs and a sermon from the church building’s rooftop. Here are some ideas to use as starting points for developing your own services. There are some great activities that are not on it. Keeping these strengths in mind can help you develop creative worship services that work in the intimate setting of a smaller group. What are some projects people in your church can do in small groups that would speak volumes to your community? Lead members in a time of testimony. The following is a list of 52 small group ideas that create fellowship. Prayer. Ideas for Small Groups. If an individual author is cited, please include their name as well. worship ideas, All liturgy and litanies are for public use, c. Disrupt Worship Project (or DWP). Many are searching for ways to remain connected to their church friends, and a mid-week group meeting with others in your life stage is a perfect opportunity to do so. 9. Many of these can be done in 5-15 minutes at the start of group and then followed by the Story discussion.