Backcourt violations are among the most misunderstood in basketball. A1 is in A’s backcourt and has dribbled for nine seconds and then passes the ball forward towards A2 in the frontcourt. A violation is an infraction of the rules that results in the ball being awarded to the opposing team. 16 No. While the ball is in the air traveling from backcourt to frontcourt, the 10-second count is reached. APPROVED SIGNAL: If you don’t call a foul, it’s a no-call. Backcourt (Backcourt violation) – Once the Offensive team has passed the half court line, they cannot: a) dribble and/or b) pass back over the half court line. Right hand shows clenched fist, left hand shows number 1 to 5 . In basketball, a common violation is the most minor class of illegal action. I. Raise your arm with an open palm 3. For a 5-second rule to be called, the referee must first clearly designate they are making the count. If this occurs, a “Backcourt” violation will be called by the referee and possession of the ball will go to the other team. A - OFFICIALS’ SIGNALS A - OFFICIALS’ SIGNALS A.1 The hand signals illustrated in these rules are the only official signals. 00 and 0 Both hands show number 0 Right hand shows number 0 . A - Officials’ signals Number of Players . the backcourt; or after a missed field goal attempt or a missed foul shot attempt, if the ball is deflected, tipped, or batted by an offensive player in the frontcourt to an offensive player in the backcourt; these are not a backcourt violations. SCORING 1 ONE POINT One finger, 'flag' from wrist 2 TWO POINTS Two fingers, No. The typical penalty for a violation is loss of the ball to the other team. Many players know that they must advance the ball from the backcourt to the frontcourt in a specific period of time, but few know what specifically constitutes a backcourt violation. No. Safe signal to communicate no foul. 11 - 15 Right hand shows number 1 to 5 . ... mentioned youth and NCAA rule include a count when the ball-handler is being closely guarded against anywhere in the backcourt. APPROVED SIGNAL: Simply point to the spot of the violation. In both cases team control, a player holding or dribbling the ball, has not yet been established. Backcourt Violation Signal 20. The basketball official signals that a violation has occurred by blowing the whistle and holding one arm up in the air, with the palm open, followed by the sign for the specific violation. No signal needed. Sharply blow your whistle 2. Constantly indicating with two fingers that the goal is for two points, not three Most violations are committed by the team with possession of the ball, when a player mishandles the ball or makes an illegal move. Youth Basketball Referee Signals. Right hand shows number 5, left hand shows number 1 to 5 . 24 Calling a Violation • Blow Whistle – Give a sharp blast – Weak whistles = indecision • Raise arm – Open hand – Straight in the air • Give proper mechanic for the violation which occurred 21. 1 - 5 No. 6 - 10 No. They must be used by all officials in all games. A.2 It is important that the table officials are also familiar with these signals. Info, coaching tips, diagrams showing the different referee signals used in boys and girls basketball. What is the Hand Signal for a 5 Second Rule Violation in Basketball? different type of hand signals in officiating basketball. RULING: Violation by Team A as the ball has not gained frontcourt location. Violation. No. Running hand up and down the line to indicate out-of-bounds violation. scoring, clock related, administrative, type of violations and type of foul. Backcourt Violation Throw-in Violation Five-Second Rule on Throw-ins Inbounds Pass Violation Five-Second Violation ... Foul Shot Violation Swinging Elbows Violation Charging Foul Illegal Screen Time-Out Hand Signals Official's Hand Signals Basketball Rules: On Defense.